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Louis was leaving today. He had finally finished rounding up his stuff that he had impressively managed to spread into every room of Harry's entire house, while letting out the occasion string of swear words when he couldn't find something.

Harry and Aurora were leaned up against each other by the front door watching in amusement as Louis rushed around the hallway while putting his shoes on because of course he was already running an hour and a half late and he definitely didn't have dinner reservation plans with Liam that he was going to miss or anything.

"Right don't miss me too much." Louis called as he jogged in from the kitchen and Harry broke away from Aurora to embrace him in a hug as they said their goodbyes. Aurora watched as the exchanged quietly mumbled words before Louis patted Harry lightly on the back before giving his shoulder a squeeze.

Quickly he walked over to Aurora and she didn't have a chance to say anything before Louis was already pulling her into him and holding her tightly.

"I'm glad I met you Aurora." Louis spoke into her ear and the feeling was mutual. "Thing's will get better now love, you've got Harry now." and all Aurora could manage was a weak thank you in his ear.

"See you soon, you can come stay with me and Liam." Louis said, making his tone way louder and happier then it had been seconds before as he broke away from his embrace with Aurora and made his way out the door.

"Bye Lou." Harry called out. "Have fun getting laid tonight!"

"Will do." Louis shouted back as he climbed into his car and with that Harry closed the door.

"Just us then." Harry spoke, almost timidly and Aurora felt bad, really bad. Harry had obviously enjoyed having someone else here, someone he could actually laugh with, someone that wasn't constantly crying or taking up his attention 24/7.

"I..uh..yeah, I guess it is." Is all Aurora could think to say and with that they fell into silence again.

"I can- I should go." Aurora mumbled a few moments later and Harry literally had to stop himself from letting out the loudest groan he had in him.

"Aurora why don't you understand that I love you? I want you here all the time, I want to be with you, I want to be here when you cry, I want to be with you to calm you down, I want to be with you when you smile, I want to be layed next to you when you talk in your sleep, I want to be sat on the floor of the bathroom when you have your fucking showers! Nothing and I mean nothing- is going to be change between us." Harry ranted until he was short on breath and centimetres apart from Aurora because fuck why would she even think he would want her to go?

"I just- I'll never know how to repay you Harry. Without you, without you I'd probably be dead right now but you didn't leave and no ones ever stayed before." She replied meakly and hearing Aurora admit she would of killed herself by now made Harry's heart stop and his stomach churn.

"You can repay me by always trusting me." Harry murmured, apprehensively placing his hands on her waist and in return for the first time ever, Aurora didn't pull away.

* * *

" God you're so fit." Harry groaned out and Aurora burst out laughing from her place on his lap, teeth grazing over the sweet spot on Harry's neck she didn't know he had causing him to literally have to bite down on his lip to keep himself from moaning.

Aurora sat up slightly to press her lips to his jaw before whispering a 'so are you' into Harry's ear and that was it.

Harry swiftly flipped their position so Aurora was layed flat out on her back, his body hovering over hers as he looked straight into her eyes.

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