Chapter 2: A Girl on the island

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???'s P.O.V

When i felt like i was being carried, i suddenly moved and panicked inside the sack...well i just muffled...

"Whoa! what the?!" a male voice says, must be one of those nasty bandits! i shouldn‘t have trusted them! they even dragged Ken along! i mean how could my own bestfriend believe in them by not hurting me?

As for my friends the 7T, i bet they‘ll be worried about me

No one's P.O.V

Grumpy opened the sack revealing a girl that has long blonde curly hair that reaches the waist, she's also wearing a leggings and sweater with a rubbershoes

Grumpy shrugged and moved the gag out of her mouth

"D-don‘t hurt m-m-me!" the girl said

"Whoa i'm not going to hurt you" grumpy said

"And why should i believe you?" the girl asked

Grumpy just rolled his eyes and said "Listen, i don't even know who you are so, mind knowing your name?"

"Kylindria, but Kyle for short" the girl said, not glancing at him

"Well, my name's Grumpy and the goat over there is Giselle" he said while pointing at giselle "Now will you excuse me, i'm gonna look for food" he added and went off

"Wait! don't you have a boat or something?" Kyle asked

Grumpy looked at her and explained "nope, there was a storm last week and destroyed my boat, so i burned it on the fire"

then he went off but stopped again by kyle "can i come with you? Please?" she asked

"Ok but you have to hold on tight on my back 'cause we're riding my goat" he replied

Kyle gave him one look and says "Are you serious?" while raising an eyebrow

"Yes so now will you stop talking?" he asked annoyingly

"fine..." she rolled her eyes and goes with him

Once giselle was untied, grumpy went on the back first then kyle,

"Put your arms around me" Grumpy commanded

"What? No WAY!" kyle exclaimed while blushing bright pink

"then have it your way" he said while smirking then told giselle to move and once giselle ran a little, Kyle fell on the sand, butt first then her back

"OWW!!! Hey! that‘s not nice!" she said angrily

"See? told you so!" he said and snickered

Kyle just rolled her eyes and did what she was told and placed her arms around him then she blushed, and while feeling the girl's arms around him, he also blushed bright pink, the goat noticed it and gave him a teasing look

"Baa! Baa!" Giselle exclaimed

"What?! i don‘t like her!" Grumpy whisper-shouted while blushing

"Baa! Baa!" Giselle said and rolled her eyes

"Just move already or i won't share my cheese with you anymore!" Grumpy said, glaring at his pet

Giselle let out a little snicker and moved towards the jungle, the trees and grass are already been cutted by grumpy when he first arrived on the island

They parked giselle near the clear entrance and once the two saw a tree full of mangoes, grumpy asked kyle

"Think you can reach the mangoes?"

"Guess so..." kyle said as she looked up in the tree then she smirked, "i think i can" she added and went up to the tree
'This reminds me of Timid sometimes...' she thought and smiled on herself

"Throw the mangoes here!" Grumpy said while holding a basket

"Yes sir!" Kyle replied and saluted at him

As kyle reached the mangoes, she caught several of it and threw it straight the basket and accidentally threw one on grumpy's face

"OW! hey watch it, will you?" He said grumpily

"Ooopsie Doopsie! Sorry mister grumpy-pants!" kyle said and held a peace sign on her fingers and laughed a little

As she was finished, she remembered that she was scared of heights! She almost shivered in fright and called down to grumpy

"Uh, a little help?"

"Why?" He asked

"I'm afraid i might fall! and i‘m afraid of heights!" she replied

Grumpy thinks for a minute and said, "Jump and i'll catch you" he said to her and placed the basket near the tree

"You sure?" Kyle asked and gulps

"Yes, now do it!" he replied ready to catch kyle

Kyle slowly walked through the branch and she slipped


Grumpy headed towards where she was about to fall and caught her in his arms, but he lost his balance and kyle fell on the top of him, their lips are almost near but their nose touched, they both blushed and hurriedly standed up, there was a short silence until kyle spoke up

"That was awkward..."

"Gee, you think?" grumpy asked

"Guess so..." Kyle replied

"Let's continue searching" grumpy said as they continued searching for food

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