Chapter 4: Friends?

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"COBBY?!" Grumpy exclaimed once he got out

"Grumpy!!! it is you!" Cobby says as he ran up to him and bro hugged him

Kyle poked her head to see what‘s happening, she saw grumpy talking with someone that looked like irish and a leprechaun (A/N: no offence Cobby but it's kinda true 😅)

"What are you doing here? and how do you know i‘m here?" Grumpy asked

"Well, i sort of know where you are, and i brought some stuffs you might need and mostly this!" He explained and held out a cheese

"CHEESE!!" Kyle exclaimed and squealed in the background, then she covered her mouth as Cobby suddenly glanced at her

"Who was that?" Cobby asked and pointed at kyle

"That‘s Kyle, someone left her here with her stuffs by a boat" Grumpy explained

"Oooh, so is she your GIRLFRIEND?" Cobby asked and smirks

"N-no! i just met her today!" Grumpy said while blushing red

"Bud, you‘re blushing like a tomato!" Cobby teased

"Whatever!" Grumpy said, still blushing

Cobby just snickered behind him and putted the stuff on the hut, they soon ate dinner near the bonfire

"So kyle, tell something about yourself" Grumpy started

"Well you see, i really kind of want to ran away from home mostly some enemies...." Kyle said

"Why?" He asked

"It‘s a long story, so long that you guys might get bored" She replied

There was a short silence until...

"Hey kyle..." Grumpy started again

"Yeah?" She asked

"I‘m sorry if i‘ve been rude to you earlier and being mean to you" He replied, "Can we be friends?" he added

"Apology accepted, and besides people can be rude but hey! they can be nice once you get to know them better, right?" She said

"Yes" He said, "So...friends?" he added

"Friends" She said and smiled

They both shook their hands and they both hugged, once they felt each other‘s touch, there was blush on their cheeks

'I think i don‘t want to end this hug' Kyle & Grumpy thought

"aww!" Cobby exclaimed

They pulled away and grumpy just glared at Cobby

"Shut it, Cobby!" he hissed

"Well, i‘m off to sleep!" Cobby said as he walked to the hut

The two stayed there for a while they were still sitting on a log, Kyle lays her head on his shoulder while grumpy blushed

"Are you feeling sleepy?" He asked

Kyle responded with a yawn

"Never mind, let‘s go to sleep" He said

They standed up while kyle yawned that‘s when grumpy picked her up bridal style, she let out a small squeak then blushed

"HEY!!!" She yelled

"Calm down, curly head! i‘m putting you on the bed" He said

"Next to you?" She asked

"Nope, beside you but don‘t worry it‘s a king sized wooden bed, no biggie and plus, don't worry i won't do anything rude or whatnot" he replied

"Fine and okay i guess" She said and crossed her arms

They both lay down on the bed and smiled...

"Goodnight" Kyle said and went fast asleep

"Goodnight" He replied and drifted off to sleep

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