Chapter One

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It's my house, and I think it's time to get out. It's my soul, it isn't yours anymore...

Dakota strutted out onto the walkway, hips swaying to her entrance music. The crowd around her erupted in cheers; it was easy to say that 'Aurora' was one of the most loved wrestlers in the WWE. The girl grinned as she clutched the microphone. Tonight she was finally going to call someone out and whilst no one actually knew who it was there were going to be a lot of surprises.

The brunette skipped around the ring in imitation of AJ Lee, attempting to give the crowd some kind of clue as to who was going to get their ass roasted on the show tonight. Dakota ducked under the roped and jumped up onto the turn buckles before letting out a yell.

"This is my house!" She shouted as the crowd screamed in agreement. Suddenly, her smile turned into a malicious smirk. "But apparently so bitch doesn't know that and so, tonight, I've decided that we're going to settle this here and now." The hall grew quiet in anticipation.

"So please welcome me best friend, AJ Lee!" Gasps echoed around the stadium as Dakota stood in the middle of the ring with a smirk on her face. If it was one thing about Dakota's character, it was the fact that Aurora hid behind a graceful and kind name but as it had turned out over her few years in the WWE, Aurora was a lot more than a pretty face because she was also a grade A bitch.

Light it up, light it up. Light it tonight, let's light it up...

AJ skipped down the walkway and into the ring before turning to face Dakota with a frown on her face and confusion in her eyes. It amused both of the women that here they'd argue until they fought and the referees had to pull them off of each other but then they'd go backstage and be best friends again. They had come to the conclusion that apart from Phil, or CM Punk, Dakota was one of the only people that actually understood and got on with AJ.

"Aurora, my sweet fruit loop, I have to admit - I have no clue as to why you've asked me to come out tonight." AJ explained, completely gaining the audience's attention as they stared at the scene that was unfolding in front of them.

"AJ, AJ, AJ. You really have no idea, do you," Aurora cooed before continuing, not giving AJ a chance to argue. "You have no idea about what happened at Raw? When we were in a tag team match and I was just about to make Summer tap out but you tagged your self in. I had that match!" Dakota screamed at her best friend before slapping her in the face. AJ's face grew dark as she shielded her red cheek.

"Tap out? Summer Rae wasn't anywhere near tapping out! If anything she was getting ready to pin you!" AJ argued. "I mean, Dirty Deeds - really? You couldn't think of a better finisher." Dakota winced slightly at the sentence, that finisher had ensured that her face was all over any sports channel.

WWE fans had been freaking out over why Aurora had used Deans finisher instead of her boyfriend's finisher. Ever since the brunette had made it out of NXT and on to the Main Roster, Stephanie McMahon had ensured that Aurora and Seth Rollins were involved in a storyline. Dakota hadn't really minded because Seth was actually a decent human being but then the company had decided that Seth needed a little romance in his on screen life and if the girl did anything that didn't involve Seth everyone was panicking.

"Fine AJ, you don't believe that I can win by using Dirty Deeds? Wait till Summerslam and how about we make it even more interesting; if I pin you by using Dirty Deeds, I get your Divas title." Dakota spat at which the girl in front of her dropped her microphone and pounced, not realising that Aurora was ready.

She pushed AJ Lee onto the ground and began punching aggressively. The older woman attempted to shield her face and in a moment of weakness, pushed Aurora off of her. Dakota watched as her best friend mounted the turn buckles, ready to jump onto her but there seemed to be different plans inside of the younger girl's head.

As AJ jumped, Dakota grabbed her by the neck and pulled her down to the ground in a fatal RKO. As soon as AJ was on the ground Dakota sprinted over to the belt that lay on the outside of the ring. The brunette picked it up and admired it, turning it over in her hands before slinging it over her shoulder.

"It is a really nice belt, I'd hate if someone had to take it away from you." She let out a cackle before her theme played as she strutted up the walkway, ignoring the groaning and injured AJ that was rolling around in the ring in attempt to ease the pain.

It's my house, and I think it's time to get out. It's my soul, it isn't yours anymore...

As her song faded out and Dakota jumped up onto one of the crates in waiting. AJ would be backstage soon with the medics and Dakota would be able to give her best friend her title. Now, as she thought of what the terms had been for the Summerslam fight, Dakota let out a groan and laid back on the crate in annoyance.

She couldn't win with Dirty Deeds, she didn't have the strength. True, she was a wrestler but Dirty Deeds was complicated and hard to manoeuvre - for Dakota anyway.

"Damnit." She hissed under her breath as she pulled a splinter out of her skin and winced slightly, praying that she didn't have any splinters in her legs.

"You know, talking to yourself is the first sign of madness." Spoke a voice with a southern drawl. The brunette groaned before turning around to come face to face with Dean Ambrose. He licked his lips as his eyes roamed up and down the girl's body, acknowledging the fact that she was still in her wrestling gear which consisted of a black and green, spandex fascinated; matching spandex shorts and a pair of Doc Martens. For a short while she had a storyline with Paige where they teamed up and ever since she had stuck with the black attire but now she was regretting.

"See something you like, Ambrose?" Dakota flirted before crossing her arms and blocking the view of her chest that he had been staring at. He growled slightly before placing a hand on her upper thigh but the brunette slapped it away quickly, wiggling a finger at him. "Tsk, tsk Ambrose. You can look but you can't touch." He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Isn't that more of a Bella thing?" But Dakota didn't answer, instead she pushed Dean away, licked her lips and walked towards the medical room; making sure that her hips and bum swayed as she walked. To say that her and Dean had an interesting relationship was just the tip of the iceberg because, in short, he fascinated her and she infatuated him. Their bond practically screamed teenage romance and cliche moments but they hated each other on screen. Just a few months ago, Dakota had tried to make it seem as though she hated Dean Ambrose, that he was the living and breathing scum of this earth but on one night in the middle of April she had noticed something - a spark - and her walls slowly fell down. "By the way! Next time let me know when you're planning to use my move at Summerslam. After all, we need to get a little physical so that you'll be able to perfect it." Dakota rolled her eyes.

They flirted constantly and at first the brunette was convinced that that was how it was going to be till they got married to their separate partners and went on living life without each other, but in each love story someone has to fall and that just so happened to be Dakota. The girl wasn't naive though. She knew who Dean Ambrose was and she knew what type of monster he was.

{CHAPTER ONE! I proof read this so there shouldn't be any typos like there was last time. Thank you for letting me know :) I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you understand Dakota a bit more. I have used the name 'Aurora' a few times in this but Aurora and Dakota are the same person, Aurora is her stage name. I am in love with the relationship that she has with Dean and I know it may seem as though they are going to get together pretty quick but, nah, I'm gonna make their lives complicated. Let me know what you think of this chapter.} 

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