|Chapter 2|

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Sorry for no updates, I'm being lazy so I'm writing this at 12:00am!
Brandon POV
I paced around my room, with my head in my hands shaking out of fear.

I don't know what to do,
Do I call the police?..
Do I get outta here?..

I sprint at full speed nearly falling over a cord, but manage to side step it.

I stop at the phone and call 000 (Sorry I'm Australian basically 911)
Hello 000, what do you need?
Um, I don't know?, my parents are gone without a trace..
Ok I'm calling the head police. What address?
*Insert Address*
They are on there way..

I smiled and hung up,

Brandon steady your self it's simple,
Don't run..
Don't go in the kitchen with the tap on..
Don't demand stuff..

Me being in my mind trance I didn't hear the doorbell ring,

That was fast, they must be from the one down the street,

I walked to the door slowly, side stepped the cord and unlocked the front door,

I sat down and explained it all what was happening except the 'powers' thing I brushed over that topic,

They seemed to understand what I was saying even though I was probably talking gibberish, they started searching around finding nothing..

I thanked them for trying to help, and waved from the door, I walked back inside noticing a gun on my table I grabbed it and ran out to give it to them I placed it his hand, he looked at me eyes basically bursting out of his sockets,

I started to think what had him so shocked..

And then I realised..

I had just sprinted out to the car...

I was so close to not getting caught...

He seemed to come out of his trance,

"GET THE BOY HE'S AN ELEMENTAL!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, making the other officers to look at me..

I whispered to the man who yelled.

"Forget I was ever here.."

His eyes glazed over before returning back to normal, I looked at the other officers they were all grabbing guns and pointing them at my head, out of instinct I sprinted pass them and down the road, everything moving in slow motion as the air whistled behind me, I came to a stop in front of Alyssa's house banging on the door, I Heard a door knob turn and I pushed it open and rushed in sitting down the couch patting the seat next to me,

Well I have a lot of explaining to do..

YAY CHAPTER 2 hype!, writing more today I guess since it's like 1am? I have a school swimming carnival and I'm not swimming cause I don't want to, so I can write then,
Have an awesome day,
~ Jazzi

Powered |BOOK 2| (Sequel to Elementals)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora