On the plane

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Well my alarm woke me up blaring which kinda sucked but I had to get up


yes sweetie they both exclaim

Let's go I say rising my voice a little higher

As soon as they realize what was happening they jumped up and said put ur stuff in the car

I put my stuff in the car and than got in the back seat and plugged my head phones in when my phone went off

@ashley my best friend Maddie it leaving today Ilysm can't wait to see u😘

My friends are the best than we arrived

Ok baby my mom said I love u and I want u to have a good trip ok?

Yea mom love u guys bye I was a little surprised my dad didn't say anything but I walked into the air port really confident.

Than I heard "MADDIE" I turned around and saw Conner!

CONNER!? What r u doing here I say

I can't leave without saying good but it was so dumb of me to let u go and I love you so please please please take me back?! Comer said

A couple minutes of me thinking my flight was called and I dashed for the boarding gate than remember I turned around a gave Conner a thumbs up with a big smile and blew him a kiss and turned around to dash away to the boarding gate.

I was putting my luggage up when someone shoved me and made me drop my things

HEY  I tell

Oops so sorry he says

It's FINE I say with  attitude than he had the nerve to sit down right next to me

What is ur name he says

Maddie I say how about u

Ashton he say


The rest of the plane ride was quite than we landed and I hopped off the plane and ran as fast as my feet could take me

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2016 ⏰

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