Part 3

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Chester's POV
1st Person

We walk out the café and I sigh.

The tension in there was heavy and I thought I was gonna choke to death!

I knew I shouldn't have fucking done it!!

Mike is seriously gonna kill me when he finds out.. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!!!

I feel my eyes sting and I blink.

No... No I will not cry! It wasn't my fault, I did nothing.. I h-hope.

I swallow and I walk towards Mike's car, I unlock it and I climb in the passenger side.

After a couple of minutes I see Mike walk out with a forced smile, I sigh as he climbs in the drivers seat.

We sit in silence and I bite my lip.

"What's wrong?" He asks and I look at him to find him staring at the wheel.

I have to tell him..

"So I went to the store..."


I walk in the store and I look around.


I hear Mike snicker and I playfully glare at him.

I decide to grab the milk last so I stroll past it.

Suddenly I get grabbed and dragged into the candy aisle. "What the fu-" "Shhhh!" I look up to see Steve.

I notice Mike tense but he doesn't take his eyes off the steering wheel.

"Steve?" He smiles a little. "Hey Ches." I blink and I nod at him.

What do I make of this?
It feels weird seeing him like this, I've only ever seen him when Brad or Dave is sick or something and we're doing a show.

"Hey." He lets go of me and I take a step towards him expecting him to step away.

But all he does is stare into my eyes, I narrow my eyes at him and I put my hands on his chest, I go to push him away a little but he starts leaning in.

My eyes widen and I go to push him but he quickly smashes his lips against mine, I yelp and I push him away so the kiss lasted a second, I stare at him in shock. "Steve... What the FUCK?!" I scream and he smirks. "At least I got a kiss." I wipe my mouth and I glare at him in disgust. "Fuck you!" I go to turn but he pushes me against the shelves, I gasp and he crushes his body against mine, everything seems to be going to fast for me right now so I never noticed his lips on mine until 2 minutes later.

In panic and shock with a side of anger, I roughly push him off and I punch him.

"Fuck you!" I scream again before running out the aisle, I stop at the milk selection and I grab a gallon, I suddenly hear high pitched screaming and I freeze.

--End Of Flashback--

"And then you saw me with the police officer.." I finish and I look down at my lap.

I feel disgusted..

I can't believe I didn't walk away from him when I first saw him!
I hate myself now..


I slowly look at him and he's just staring at the wheel.

10 minutes of silence goes by and he slowly puts the keys in the ignition, I watch as he turns it and the car roars to life. He takes his eyes off the steering wheel and he looks straight forward, I open my mouth but with one swift move he turns on the radio.

I slowly close my mouth and I stare at him as he starts driving.


He climbs out the car and I look at his seat, I climb out and I shut the car door.

He walks inside his house and I slowly follow him, I shut the front door and he looks at the mess in the living room.

The couch is the only thing that's standing.

He takes off his jacket and wraps it around his waist.

And with that he starts cleaning up.

I silently watch him.

What's going through your head Mike?
What are you thinking?
Most importantly what are you feeling?

I feel the questions swirl around my head.

"Mike..?" I speak up and he freezes, I gulp. "Are.. You okay?" I ask and he nods.

He stays in one place as if he's waiting for my command.

I scratch my arm. "I'm going to lie down for a bit." He nods and continues to clean up, I keep my eyes on him as I slowly walk down the hallway, I walk into our bedroom and I close the door behind me.

I close my eyes and I take a deep breath.

I shake my head and I look at the bed, I smile a little and I jump on it.

I close my eyes and the millions of thoughts inside my head make me drift to sleep.

At Night

I wake up to a irritating sound, I shift and I grab my phone, I click answer without looking to see who it is.

"Hello?" I greet tiredly.

"Ches? Dude you have to wake up.."

I sit up and I rub my eyes.

"Why? Dave?"

I hear talking and a siren in the background.

I feel my stomach drop and my heart stops beating, my mouth runs dry and my eyes widen.

Dave's next words hit me like a brick.

"It's Mike, he's in the hospital Chester!"

I drop the phone.

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