Part 6

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Mike's POV

(About time right?😶 Be prepared..)

I sit up in my bed alone, once again.

It's been 2 days and Chester hasn't been around..
I'm actually really happy about that.

I mean don't get me wrong, I do love him okay? I love him so much it hurts but..

I do want my own space now..
With everything that's happened y'know?

He's been acting different and right now I couldn't ask him what's wrong.. I have to much stuff going on inside my head, I can't even concentrate anymore.

And.. I resolved that to uhh...

Hitting myself..

I started about a week ago.

At first it was self harming mentally and emotionally. Calling myself things. Comparing myself to other people. Putting myself down.

The cutting started yesterday, Monday.

The hitting started today.

I wasn't asleep just now, I was just laying in silence.. Bullying myself at how stupid and fucked up I am.

My past is repeating itself and I really don't want that.

I don't need that.

It started at the age of 8.


I run inside, giggling like mad at what I had done at school today.

"Mommy! Mommy!" I shout excited for Mom and Dada to see my drawing.

"In the living room baby!" I heard a sweet angelic like voice call out and I run into the living room.

I run inside and I jump onto my Mom's knees and get comfortable. "Hi Mom!" I giggle and she smiles down at me. "Hey baby! How was school?" She asks with the beautiful smile.

"It was amazing today! I done aaaarrrttt.." I drag it out to make sure it sounded right before scrunching my face up, making Mother laugh at me. "Oh really? Show me what you did honey." I grin a toothy grin and I hand her the rolled up paper.

She unrolls it and her smile disappears and her mouth drops open.

I grow nervous and I frown. "Mommy..? Is it bad?" I ask showing how nervous I am.

"Baby... Oh my god.. This is so beautiful.." Her eyes glass over and I see tears fill up.

"Mommy? Why are you crying?" I ask confused. Didn't she like it?

"Oh no baby, I'm crying because it's so beautiful honey! How did you do this? It's so amazing! You're taking after your Dad." She smiles widely which makes me smile and I kiss her cheek.

"I just thought about you and Daddy and little brother, and drew. I couldn't tell how it looked so I wanted to wait until you saw it first before the teacher did." I explain and she giggles at me. "How did you sneak it past the teacher?"

"I drew another picture which was a doggy."

She laughs and I laugh with her.

Suddenly the door opens and shuts.

I gasp and I carefully snatch the drawing out of her hand and I hop off her lap.

I run to the living room door and I see Dad step in front of me.

"DADDY!" I scream and he jumps and looks down at me.

He smiles.

"Heeeeeey sport!" He lifts me up and I squeal.

"Hi Daddy!! I have something to show you!" I exclaim, wanting to see his reaction.

"Oh yeah? What is it squirt?" He asks with a soft smile and I show him the drawing.

He looks at it and his smile disappears.

"Mommy said that it was bootiful!" I tell him, pronouncing the word Mommy said wrong.

He continues staring at the drawing and then he puts me down.

He grabs the paper from me and he looks at it again.

"Dawn, we have to talk."


I put my head in my hands and I let out a shaky breath.

God dammit Mike..

I start sobbing lightly.

You stupid boy

Then heavily.

You deserve nothing

I curl up in a ball and I continue sobbing.

"W-Why..?" I choke out before continuing.


I hear a door opening and I slowly open my eyes.

I breathe in through my nose but it turns out it was blocked.

I sniff and I slowly sit up.

I sigh and I scratch my head.


A gentle voice calls out and my eyes widen slightly.

I stand up and I look down at my floor where I took off my jeans.

I quickly put them on and ignore the slight annoying sting I get everytime I walk.

I rush into the bathroom and quietly shut and lock the door.

"In here! I'll be a minute!" I call out and I hear a faint sigh of relief.

I sigh also and I look into the mirror.

"Jesus Christ.." I mutter in disbelief.

My hair is messed up and sticking out of places.

My face is pale and there's tear stains on my cheeks.

My eyes are also bloodshot.

I stand still and think for a second before clicking my tongue.

Chester's POV

I hear water running and I smile slightly.

In the shower then..

I start whistling a random tune and I flick the keys around my fingers.

I sit on the couch and I stop whistling as I look at the TV.

I grab the remote that's beside me and I turn it on.

"---Breaking news! The murder in A-"

I tut and I switch it off, suddenly pissed off with the news channel even being on.

They did exploit Mikey...

I hear the water turn off and a relaxing sigh.

A door opens and I look over at the door way.

Mike then walks through and his hair is wet.

His eyes are slightly bloodshot and his beard is wet too.

I smile at him and he smiles slightly back.

I stand up and I walk over to him.

"Hey baby." I greet as I wrap my arms around his waist and I bury my face in his neck.

He doesn't tense..
He doesn't pull away.
And he doesn't shake..

He wraps his arms around my back..

And whispers.

"Hi babe."

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