Chapter 1

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I hid in the shadows so they couldn't see me. You would think that after over seven hundred years of living this life that I would know how to fight off these humans, right? Well as I have gotten stronger and smarter, so have they. It is kind of annoying, but at least that the humans can not remember what I look like because of my different forms:

1) My human form

2) My hybrid form

3) My full tiger form

It is quit fun having different forms, that way you can play with the humans. They all come in handy for different situations and I'm actually thankful for them. Sure, they made me an outcast, but it's who I am, I gotta deal with it.

Right now I am in my human form wearing a navy blue hoodie, a crimson red snap back, black washed jeans, and black hiking boots. Weird taste in clothes right? Fashion nowadays is so awful. I wish my old clothes were still wearable so I didn't have to deal with what I was wearing.

Being on your own for all those years is not fun, let me tell you that. There are something's that you try and regret. Others you love so much it just gets worse. For example, I tried smoking and almost died, not happing again. Then there is getting drunk, man I love that feeling. It helped me get rid of my thoughts, even if it's for just a couple ours. Another is falling in love with a human, not fun. Watching them grow old without you is like living hell... And last but, not least, cutting. Helps me from going insane from all the loneliness. Making that first cut four hundred years ago had to of been the best decision I have ever made!

Well enough about my past, lets get back to what I am doing right now. Right at this very moment I am watching this gang outside of a bar. They are always just there, doing nothing but smoking and talking. It confuses me so much how that's how they spend their short lives.

I was supposed to be meeting a friend of mine at the back of the bar, which is at the end of the alley, that they're blocking. Great.

Finally walking into the dim street light the gang takes notice of my presents. I just walk past them with my hands in my jeans front pockets, eyes glued to the end of the ally that leads to the back of the bar where I know a ginger will be waiting for me.

One of the men in the gang gets up and says, "Where you think your going mate?" His British accent annoying the hell out of me.

Turning only ever so slightly to see his face. Bright green eyes, a mess of brown curls, and some tattoos on his arms. Rolling my eyes at his attempt at being fearful, yeah right. A cat would not be scared of this bloke.

Turning back around I shrug my shoulders at him, and continue on my way. Another one of his friends stands up and starts walking in my direction. He takes a knife out of his back pocket trying to be intimidating, not working. I have fought some of the first people in history like the English men when they first showed up in America, as I had been fighting along side some Indians tribes who took me in believing I was a God, to the Nazis when I helped free some Jews. Lets just say I have gone to each and every country in my seven hundred years of life. These guys weren't scary.

Lunging at me, the man tries to hit my back, but I moved at the last second, leaving him to falling face first onto the ground. The rest of the gang stands up and charges at me. A smirk makes its way to my lips, my tiger ears perk up under my cap, while my striped tail tries to escape my tight jeans. The curly haired boy, who looks the youngest, has a knife and throws it, aiming for my heart. Lifting my left hand up I catch it without any problem. His eyes widen at this allowing me the time I need to throw it right back, the knife easily hitting his left shoulder. I didn't want to kill the kid, I have enough blood on my hands.

Shaking the thoughts out of my head I noticed the one that I had allowed to hit the ground earlier had gotten up and yells, "Harry!" He runs to the younger lad trying to stop the bleeding, not that there was much. Another lad with a sort of buzz cut, tattoos, and warm chocolate brown eyes, narrows his eyes at me. The smirk that is still plastered on my face only widens at his attempt to make me fear him.

Taking my right hand out of my pocket I lift it up to my snap back. He seems to not understand which allows me to let a low chuckle out of my throat. Taking it off of my head I throw it at the other lad next to him. He by all needs is the hottest of them all. Black hair styled into a quiff with a blonde spot in it, olive colored skin, and cold honey brown eyes.

All their eyes widen with fear as my ears show. The oldest looking one, the one who ran to "Harry", points at me and says fearful, "Who-what are you?"

My smirk widens, if possible, and I jump into the air, changing into my white tiger form, at last, while doing so. Once on the ground again I sprint to the black haired boy knocking him to the ground. Picking my hat up from the ground in my mouth I walk over to the oldest and youngest still huddled on the ground. I know that he's not in any death danger but I felt bad for him.

I was back in my hybrid form and had the green eyed boy in my arms faster than the blue-grey eyed man, the oldest, could even blink. Taking a bite into my arm, wincing at the sudden pain. Lifting my now bleeding arm to the fading boys mouth I allow my blood to poor down his throat.

"Harry!" The blue eyed git yelled again. He takes a step closer to me, but backs up once he sees the determined look in my eyes. "Don't kill him," was his simple whisper. By the looks of it he cares for this young lad.

Lifting my eyes to look at him and his gang I let the smirk slide off my face, simply saying, "I won't." My Irish accent surprising them along with my response.

After I stop smelling fresh blood from the boy I walk over to the blue eyes lad. Handing Harry, as I learned his name was, his blue eyed friend, I turn to walk away being stopped by him.

"Thank you," My eyes widen with surprise, giving him a backwards glance I nod, placing my now dirt covered snapback onto my head, and start to finish my original plan which was to get to the back of the bar.


"Don't kill him," is what I heard Louis whisper to the blonde lad in front of us. He glances up from Harry, who is still propped in his arms, keeping his bloody arm in his mouth. The younger lad seems to be feeding Harry his blood. I thought vampires do that to heal people, but he seems more like a hybrid.

He glance up at Louis, blue eyes meeting blue eyes, the smirk falling off his lips. "I won't." That surprised me, but his Irish accent did even more. You do not see many Irish lads around here very often.

Irish blonde boy walks over to Louis and puts Harry in his arms. He starts to walk away until Louis whispers out, "Thank you," and he stops seemingly surprised at this. Giving us a backward glance before he walks toward the back of the ally, where he had been heading earlier.

After he was gone we all heard Harry grown, signaling he is awake. Louis holds him carefully as I mutter, "And this is why I said not to pick a fight with anyone tonight." Shaking my head I start walking out of the alley, knowing that the others would be right behind me.


Okay so I unpublished the chapters because I'm gonna rewrite them then republish them. I'm sorry for being so in-active on this story but I'm back!

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