It Kinda Strange, Don't You Think So?

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VP (Val's Papa): How did you find out about her? Did her mom try to contact you? Is she asking for money?
Val: I was looking for baby pictures of me, and I found 3 birth certificates and I thought it was strange. How could you go and cheat on mom like that?! No she didn't try to contact me or ask me to money. Why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you tell me I had a sister waiting all those years to meet me?!
VP: I don't need to answer those questions!
Before Val could get another word in, Val dad abruptly hangs up the phone.

Val couldn't believe his ears, his own father, the man he looked up to all these years, the type of father he wanted to be when he grew up. Val didn't realized he was crying until he felt a tear drop from his eyes. It was time to man up and be the older brother his sister always dreamed of.
End Of Flashback
Val was deciding to rather or not like one of his sister videos or pictures or just reply back to her messages on Instagram.
On Instagram...
iamvalc- I might come to Seattle to see my biggest fan!
Val commented on Vanessa's MCM (Men Crush Mondays) picture...

Maks came back and out of the corner of his eye he saw his brother comment on their "sister" picture.
Maks- What the hell are you doing?!
Maks yelled at his younger brother causing heads to turn in the direction of the Chmerkovskiy brothers.
Jenna immediately came out of the group and decided to see what the noise was about. Jenna knew the Chmerkovskiy brothers for 2-3 years now and she never seen Maks yell at Val for anything, it must have been important for them to switch languages while yelling.

Jenna- What's going on here?! Don't you know what time it is? (Jenna checks her phone) It's 2:00 in the morning. OMG! It's 2:00 in the morning!! Jenna said standing in front of the brothers.
Maks- Stay the fuck out of it!!
Val- Don't talk to her that way! If you're mad at me, then stay mad at me!
Emma heard Maks tone of voice and looked around to see if she could find Peta or Sharna to calm down Maks. Since she couldn't find them, she decided to calm them down herself.
Emma- What in the bloody hell is going on here!? Why is everybody yelling at each other?
Emma continued to stare down the 2 brothers while Jenna went and stood beside her.
Val- Well you two quit yelling at each other before we wake up the whole damn bus!!
Sasha- Too late! I was getting 20 minutes of sleep before you woke me up and on top of that I had a good dream when I won the mirrorball trophy!
Sasha said on the verge of tears
Next thing before everybody could stop themselves, they had bust out laughing

Sasha- That's very funny! Way to be supportive!
(Sasha stood there with his arms crossed) are you guys done?!
Emma- I'm so sorry love! But that's funny, you will win after I win.
Emma said as she wipe a tear coming from her eyes.
Jenna- But seriously, what are you guys yelling about? Jenna asked as everybody turned their heads towards the Chmerkovskiy brothers.

Val and Maks stared at each other trying to think of a way out of the line of fire. That was when the tour bus doors had open and in came. Sharna and Peta.
Sharna- Are you sure mom? Okay, I will get on it. Don't worry, I'm not mad, I understand where you're coming from. Send Papa and Grandpa my love.

Val and Maks looked at Sharna as she sat down crying...
It's Kinda Strange, Don't You Think? Val couldn't help but wonder what she was crying about?
1. Who was Sharna crying about?
2. Should Val and Maks tell Emma, Sasha, Jenna, Peta and Maks what they discovered?
3. How do you think Vanessa will react to Val commenting on her post?
4. I didn't mean any disrespect to Sasha teaching, I just thought you guys would need something funny to read

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