The date /2

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Aphmau- you, you look handsome
Aaron- you look gorgeous beautiful cute I can't keep my eyes off you ooooh I bought you a flower here🌹
Aph- thank you well let's get going
*sitting at the table*
Ar- so what would u like to order
Aph- I'll take a garden salad with a side of mask potatoes
Waiter- would would you like to order...
Ar- I'll have a stake and potatoes and the my lady will have a garden salad and a side of mash potatoes plz
Waiter- thank you for your service it will be hear in no time
Ar- thank you
Aph- excuse me I have to go to the restroom.
Ar- okay take your time

Aaron- I wonder what's taking her so long I'll go get one of the girls to check up on her (KATELYN)
Katelyn- WHAT!!!!
Aaron- can you go check on aphmau she's been gone for quite a while she's in the girls restroom
K- oh sure
Ar- thanks
K- no problem

Kaitlyn's prov...
K- aphmau are you okay
Aph- Ye- no *vomiting*
K- ugh aph is that nervous vomiting u have nothing to nervous for...
Aph- ughhhhh
K- I'm going to get Aaron
Aph- please don't he can't come in here
K- well he is today

Kaitlyn's prov....
K- AARON!!!!
Ar- is she okay
K- yeah but she needs your help
Ar- anything where is she
K- in the girls restroom
Ar- you expect me to go in a girls bathroom r u crazy
K- no and yes IMA make sure no ones in goes in there I put a out of oder sign up no one will come in there I'm sure of it now go to her
Ar- fine show me to her
K- okay

Aaron's prov.....
Ar- aph are you alright
Ar- where is she
K- right there in that stall 👉
Ar- ooooh I see her,heyyyy baby are you okay
*he walks over to her stall*
Ar- open up please its me baby
Ar- what's wrong with her
K- she us nervous vomiting she vomites when she nervous and for other reasons but in this case she nervous
Ar- awwww baby no reason to be nervous
Aph- re-*vomiting*...... Really
Ar- baby let me in
Aph- o-*vomit*o-kay
*stall door unlocks and he walks in*
Ar- awwww my poor baby
Aph- *vomiting*
*he rubs he back and holds her hair back*
Ar- baby what's wrong you don't have to nervous vomit its okay
Aph- its not that I can't help it
*Garroth&Laurence barge in*
Gar&Lau- OMG what's wrong with her
Aph- *vomiting*
Lau- is she sick
K- no she just nervous vomiting now would you get out of the girls bathroom only one who needs to be in her in me kawaii~chan and Aaron.
Ka- aphmau~sempi what's wrong
K- ughhhhh
Ar- are you done baby
Aph- I think so
Ar- OK let's go
*as they head on out the girls bathroom Aphmaus goes running right back to the toilet vomiting
Aph- *vomiting*
Ar- OK let's get you home
Ar- Katelyn you mind paying for the food please
K- no problem
Ar- get her a trash can or trash back
Lau- will do
Ar-come on baby let's go home

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