I stepped silently out of the greenery, keeping my eyes locked on the young woman's form. As I crept out into the open air, I allowed my wolf fur to drop, and was once more a human. Crouched, leaning back on my heels, unmoving and soundless. I was a little scared, to say the least.
Tempted to bolt like a frightened horse, I shuddered when she turned and was brought to realize my presence. "Oh my!" Surprised, she jumped backwards into the fallen Evermore tree. "G-greetings," she stammered, right hand resting delicately on the hilt of her sword. "I did not believe anyone lived here...!"
"Neither did I," I admitted, eyeing her warily, but interestedly.
"I..." the young lady seemed at a loss for words, and as all predators, I took advantage of her confusion, straightened until I was standing at full height, and slowly approached her. "Now, I do not mean you any harm so...!" Her back was pressed against the bark, and I tilted my head like a curious puppy. "I do not intend to, either." I informed her, stopping some feet away. "I am sorry if I am frightening you... I just... I have not seen someone else in the Evermore for some fourteen winters."
"Fourteen winters?!" She exclaimed, hand sliding away from the hilt of her sword, eyebrows angling upwards to create a rather sympathetic expression. "Oh you poor dear, how have you survived?"
"I do not know, yet I have." I shrugged my shoulders, sniffing the air a little, trying to imprint this human's scent upon myself, attempting to commit it to memory.
The young woman smiled, she appeared to relax, as if she felt comfortable around me now. Her sympathy must have allowed her to lower her guard. "Excuse my lack of manners, friend. I am Lanakila." She held her hand out to me, and I leaned back a fraction, baffled by her actions. "Have you never shook hands with someone?" Lanakila inquired of me.
I shook my head as a response.
"It goes like this," Lanakila stepped forward, taking my right hand in her own, she raised them to about chest height... then shook my hand up and down. It was quite unusual. "It is a form of greeting," she informed me, smiling warmly. "Greeting?" I took my hand back to my side.
"That is correct," she nodded vigorously, she seemed to be a rather enthusiastic and kind person. "What is your name?"
I opened my mouth to reply, then catching myself, swiftly said, "you may call me what you would like."
Lanakila's eyebrows furrowed, "you do not have a name?"
"I do... I just do not wish to share it... I apologize..." I bowed my head, a bit embarrassed. Was it improper to not share one's name nowadays?
"That is quite all right," Lanakila waved her hands dismissively, "what if I call you..." she squinted at my face, as it was now raised, and my eyes were locked with hers. "Gray?" She must have observed the colour of my slightly unruly hair. "I like it," I replied, deciding it was probably more polite to smile back.
Upon my pleased expression, I noticed a slight blush rise to Lanakila's cheeks. This also puzzled me.
"Shall we be friends?" The young lady offered, sounding eager.
"Yes, please!" I grew excited, she would be my first friend, ever.
"Why not tag along?" She suggested, beginning to walk away, the opposite direction of which she had previously been heading in. As a response, I spun quickly on my heel and trotted after her in a puppy-like manner. "Okay!"

FantasyThe fingers of my right hand were slightly wrapped over the top of the collar that was tight against my skin. If only I could remove it... yet, due to the powerful magic that bound it to my body and soul, I could not efface it had I wished to.