I was aware of my actions, conscious that I was turning jerkily, pulling my body to my feet. Yet, I was completely unable to control anything from this time forth, "Tyryn," the voice cooed in a cold, terrifying, low tone. "Tyryn, do what I ask of you," it rumbled coaxingly, but I was thoroughly filled with undiluted horror.
Shakily, I stood on my feet, turning in a drowsy-type manner towards Lanakila. She was still sitting relaxedly on the Earth, looking up at me in befuddlement. "Gray, whatever is the matter? Is there something amiss?" My body began to advance toward her of its own accord, I watched in fear and anger as my arms raised themselves, reaching out to Lanakila. She began to scramble backwards and upright, reaching for her sword. "What are you doing?" She snapped, "your eyes... th-they are white...!" The young lady's very own eyes were wide, wide as the full moon that was watching us unhelpfully. I fought with my own emotions and my own being, fought to regain control and to attempt to reassure Lanakila that everything was going to be all right... yet I knew it was not.
"Tyryn," even the sound of my very own name made my soul want to shrivel and die, blacken with sadness and pain. Yet I was unable to even speak at this point in time, as I was left helplessly locked down within my own physique. Therefore, I watched the events unfold as though I were seeing through another's eyes.
Lanakila had her sword drawn and was standing with her feet shoulder's width apart, both hands firmly gripping the handle of her weapon, eyes narrowed and stern. "I command of you, inform me of your motives!"
"I will not," the words that spilled from my lips were not my own, they were the words of the creature that was commanding my soul and mind to bend to its will. Suddenly I was jolting forward, the startled young lady swung widely at my neck with her fearsome weapon. However, I ducked out of the way with seeming ease, and was startled as I launched myself at her. My arms wrapped themselves around Lanakila's middle, and as one, we hit the dirt heavily, a mere distance from the dancing flames.
Cold fear spread like a weed throughout my stomach, I screamed inside, completely powerless.
'Please do not do this,' I begged the voice within my own head.
"Tyryn, wolfheart..." my name made my ears feel as though they could bleed, and I writhed, surrounded by torturous memories at the mere sound of it.
Lanakila attempted to roll out from underneath of me, swinging her sword upwards in attempt at offensive, directing the point of it at my head. In one swift movement, I avoided the blow, and felt my fur return. Soon enough I was towering over the cowering young woman, my muscles were tense and I could hear my own snarling.
"Who are you?" Lanakila scrambled to her feet, holding her last hope out in front of her somewhat steadily, the roaring fire caused reflections, and made her threatening metal look as though it were alive and pulsating.
I crouched low to the ground, the tip of my powerful maw was nearly in contact with the dirt, and there I stayed for a long second or two, eyeing Lanakila up and down slowly until my pupils came in contact with her neck and there they stayed. It felt entirely unreal as I launched my hefty wolfish form at the young woman, entirely unreal as I tasted the warm metallic liquid, entirely unreal as I heard - for the first time since I was four winters old - the sound of another human being's scream. All my life, the screams had only ever been that of my own.

FantasyThe fingers of my right hand were slightly wrapped over the top of the collar that was tight against my skin. If only I could remove it... yet, due to the powerful magic that bound it to my body and soul, I could not efface it had I wished to.