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The Mortal Cup

Matthew was leaning against the van, staring longingly at the club wanting to find a really hot guy or girl to hook up with.

"Hey can you watch where you're going?" Matthew jumped out of his thoughts when he hears his sister talking.

"You can see me?" He asked confused.

Matthew jumped up out of his spot and walked over to his sister to help her out, "Of course we can see you, Blondie." Matthew rolled his eyes.


"Simon, if you continue to tap your fingers on the table, i'm going to cut them off." Matthew threatened. Simon stopped immediately. "I know you're nervous about Clary, but seriously calm down she'll get in."

Matthew's fraternal twin, Clary, was trying to get into the school 'The Brooklyn Academy of Art'. The two boys looked towards the door as they herd the bell ringing, signalling that someone was entering the Café. Clary walked in looking sad, but Matthew cold tell it was an act, after all he was her twin.

"Give me the professors' names and I... I will and them." Simon said and Clary and Matthew looked at him. "You know, with... with a scathing e-mail to the dean. Or send Matthew there to fight them." Matthew smiled at what Simon said because it was true, Matthew could kick their ass's. He had been taking martial arts since he was five, and he was really good with weapons.

"Don't bother." Clary said and gave Simon and Matthew an envelop that had the word 'Congratulations' in big red letters.

"What? Sad face? Really?" Clary laughs. "Well played. Well played." Matthew starts to laugh as well and congratulates her. "Thank you. You know, it's weird. They kind of liked my assigned work, but they flipped out over the drawing for out graphic novel." Clary told both of them.

"You're welcome." They all chuckle.

"This day will go down in history as the best 18th birthday I ever had." Clary tell them.

"We, baby sis, that we ever had." Matthew reminded her.

"Which is why we are celebrating tonight. Yes, with Maureen, after our show." Simon told them. Matthew and Clary looked at each other and smirked.

"Absolutely. So... what's the deal with you and Maureen?" Clary asked him.

"What deal? No deal. We sing together." Simon told her.

"You seriously don't know she's been crushing on you this whole time?" Matthew asked him. It was obvious you could tell by the was she looked at him.

Simon starts stuttering, "What? No. No,"

"Simon, how can someone as smart and perceptive as you not realise that the person sitting right there is in love with you?" Clary asked.

"I guarantee you I'm not the only smart, perceptive person to make that mistake." Simon told Clary. And Matthew looked away because he knew that Simon was in love with Clary, and it was sad really that she couldn't see that and she didn't like him in that way.

"Anyway, onto a different subject, Tara won't leave me alone she has been bugging me for three days now." Matthew commented when his phone buzzed on the table and giving a subtle nod to Simon who gave him a thankful look for changing the subject.

"Well, maybe you should play her around. I mean one minute your all over her and the next you move on to someone else and leave her completely in the dark wondering what she has done wrong." Clary told her brother, knowing that he didn't want to hurt Tara's feelings, he just didn't want himself to get hurt either. Not again.

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