Remember me?

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Its hard to live without remembering a single day of your life.

A year back, I got in a surf-boarding accident.

 I hit my head on a rock.

I suffered from short-term memory loss.

And ever since that day I cant remember a thing that happens to me.

I have tryed writing this journal.

But it doesnt help me very much considering I forget about even writing in it. 

I sighed as I set my journal down.

My mother walked into my room with a glass of milk.

'Whats wrong?' She said sitting next to me on my bed

'Why didnt you tell me?' I said jesturing towards the page in the book.

After she was done reading it she replyed 'I have dear.'

'Right' I said with a sigh and layed back in my bed.

'It will get easier baby, It will.' She said standing up and hovering over me giving me a kiss on my cheek.

'But how do you know?' I said

'Time will only tell.' She said already half way out my door.

'What do you mean?' I asked

'The doctors say your memory will hopefully get better in time, Possibly.' She said uncertainly and walked out of my room and shut the door.

Completly confused I got up and went down stairs.

'Hey daddy, Happy birthday mike.' I said to my father and to my brother wishing him a happy birthday.

'I got you a present.' I said jesturing him to a blue box.

As I handed it to him he slowly opened it.

'Ah. same as yesterdays birthday present, Lucky me.' He said

My father shot him a look 

'Oh. Right, Sorry.' I said and walked into the kitchen where my mother was fixing breakfast.

'Is there anything else I should know before I further embarass myself.' I asked my mother.

'Well- Its september 17th 2011.. Lets see- Hm..' She said but I interrupted

'Hold that thought.' I said as I rushed up to my room and slammed my door open I grabbed my journal and ran back down stairs.

'2011.' I said.

'Yes.' My mother said.

As I wrote that down on the same page I also wrote Not mikes birthday- And never ever get him another present because he is the rudest person in the world. 

She continued explaining that I was now 15,  And I supposefly had a few crushes.

She noted a couple other things and told me that I recently voulenteered at a marine wild-life center. And I had been volunteering for quite awhile now- A couple months actually 'Oh!'She said. 'I almost forgot!!' She exclaimed. 'You also have this precious tree that you love dearly.. You have ever since you were a little girl.. I never understood why you cant remember- Since it was before the day you got in the accident.. Its the most cutest tree in the world. Its very high, And the leaves are green and purple, With flowers growing all over it.. And its easily climbable, Thats why you loved it so much.. Mr.Andrews always hated it though. Said it would bring birds into his yard and annoy his dog's.. Which his dog's were actually annoying with all their barking.' 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2011 ⏰

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