Welch's Fruit Snacks

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There's a start to every story, my start is the end. The end of my stubbornness and restraint. I don't depend on people, I depend on myself. My dad won't get me food, my mom won't give me love so I fend for myself using their useless bodies as shelter...metaphorically. The day at the ravine was the beginning of an end. The ravine was usually a place of darkness and a key place for making out. At the end of the school year with all the seniors it was a place of magic. A place where no matter what label society gave you, you weren't the label then. You were able to be anything in one magical moment. All problems forgotten and just the future holding whatever it had in store for you.


I was laying on my beach towel, squishing Welch's fruit snacks between my fingers. The sun burning on my skin and the sand soft beneath me. The gummies are the best when their mushy and soft on your tongue. It makes the flavour burst on your tongue and warming you mouth with the sweet syrup. I pop another into my mouth and close my eyes savoring the sweet and tangy taste.

"I've never seen anyone eat them like that before." I open my eyes and the sun temporarily blinds me and I blink a few times.

"I'm everything but normal." I sit up so I'm leaning on my elbows. I close one eye and squint the other so I can see well.

I look up and see the face of Dennis Alstrov. He's in senior year, we have advanced math together.

"I'm surprised a girl with a body like yours knows what a gummy is." He say laying on a towel beside mine.

"What do you mean a girl like me?" I look straight ahead and watch a couple girls squeal as a guy jumps of the edge of the cliff and jump in the water.

"Don't get defensive, I'm complementing you. You have a nice body." He looks straight at me, not embarrassed in the slightest.

"If you must know it's because of physical exercise...kick boxing and swimming but you obviously know that..." I pop another mushy gummy in my mouth and smirk.

He looks at me and I laugh. "I'm the girl you hit on at the pool..." I laugh again as he tries to remember, "Aren't you the girl who always stares when I play water polo?" I giggle as I deepen my voice to match his, unsuccessfully.

His face show mortification. "I've had better moments than that, I promise!" he say's blushing slightly.


"Kia Makayla Leonard, you don't believe me?" His eyebrow quirks with the look or a challenge on his face.

"How do you know my full name?" I comment at the same time he point to my bag.

"I can read...I'm not some dumb jock you know!" He laughs and winks at me.

He turns onto his side, making it obvious he's not leaving anytime soon. I'm ok with that because he's cute and actually pretty decent compared to some of the other guys in math. I lay back on to my back and turn my head to face him.

"I never thought you were 'some dumb jock', I thought you were terrible with pick-up lines!" I say seriously.

"I never thought you were just pretty..." He comment's back.

"You do remember...your dumb and a liar." My voice goes into a whisper.

Suddenly the space between us isn't so far apart. I smile slightly before I lean up and meet his lips. Their warm and mine are sticky. I pull away and rest back onto my back. From the corner of my eye I see Dennis lean back in and kiss me again. I grab his face between my hands and we kiss slowly.

A droplet from his hair drops onto my forehead and make me giggle.

He wipes it away but another falls causing us both to laugh again. He shakes his head like a dog spraying me all over my face. I squeal and try to crawl away but he's to fast. He leans to kiss me again but before he can I take a gummy and shove it into his mouth.

"Paybacks a bitch!" I say and snort.

"Your evil." He leans back and chews, "They are better when mushy" I nod my head in agreement and reach for another.

"Shit!" I shout.

"What!? He says still chuckling and looks at me with twinkling eyes

"That was the last one..." I whisper.

He throws his head back and laughs and I chuck the empty package at him.

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