Unexpected Reaction

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"Ow! What are you doing? I am standing right here!" an angry voice says.

"I'm sorry, I'm new to the camp and I was just looking at how beautiful it is, I didn't see you there. I'm so sorry!" I say.

"Well, it's ok then. The camp is awesome, if you want I'll show you around later. Welcome to DNCX! I've already been here for 3 days so I know all the cool spots. Gotta run to a workshop now, see you later!" the young boy says, waving and walking away from me. He seems really nice... and definitely cute!

My first workshop for young children goes great! I teach 5-10 year olds the basics of hip hop dancing.

Later that night, after dinner, I see the boy from earlier walking in front of me alone. So I run up to his side and slide my arm next to his, flashing a big smile. But I couldn't believe his reaction - he pulled back and looked very confused!

"Hey, why are you acting like this? I thought you were supposed to show me around camp!"
"What? I don't even know you, I've never seen you before!"

Wow, he is so mean, what did I ever do to him? This is what I get for trying to be nice and make friends with strangers. Ugh, never again. So I start walking away, mad, when I see him come toward me, smiling.

"So? Ready for that tour now?" he asks. What the hell?

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