chapeter one

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Sorry if its bad comment if you want me to carry on writing. Some of the spelling may be wrong sorry if it is hope you like it

May be a little gross with blood and stuff like that.



I stood on the rooftop watching her she doesn't know who I am but she knows of me and what I have done. I stood on the rooftop watching Elizabeth Keen. She's my older sister she doesn't know about me but I think that's a good thing definitely since she is hunting me. You see I am Sabella Sachi Dabria Rostova but I'm known as Dabria as it means angle of death. I'm known as Dabria because I'm a criminal a hit woman and I'm on the FBI most wanted list. I just got done with my last job. And of course the FBI just had to turn up oh well they are to stupid to find me and even if they can then they won't be able to catch me, sometimes I get bored and let them see me just for me to lead them around in circle's its funny how many times the fall for that, but this time they have to catch me that is what I'm getting paid for to get caught.
I get taken out of my thoughts by the sound of feet running up the fire escape towards me. It seems the have found me, it took them long another then again I am well blended in with the night with black jeans black high tops black tank top and a leather jacket with the hood up to cover my ombred hair. I walk over to the Edge o the rooftop and get ready to jump across on to the next one with my gun strapped to my back.

"Stop" yelled Elizabeth. As she and her partner came running towards me.

"Awe common Lizzy why don't we have some fun yeah?" I shouted back at her as I jumped across on to the next rooftop. If I have to get taken then why not have some fun first. And the chase was on with us jumping from rooftop to rooftop then I stop right on the edge and terned around to face the agent's.

"Hands up" shouted Lizzy as she came over towards me. But what they didn't know was that they were helping me. As it was all apart of the plan for me to get arrested.

"Hello Elizabeth nice to see you again long time no see." I said smiling at her. As her partner went around me to arrest me.

" Dabria you are under arrest." Says Lizzy's partner while he puts me in hand cuffs and unclipped my gun from my back.

"Okay so why aren't you using my real name, or don't you know it. The oh so big FBI can't even find the name of a 17 year old isn't that sad." I say making fun of them as Ressler pulled me over to the stairs.

"You are in no position to talk." He says

"Yeah but if you think about it than I have been running from you since I was 12 And I haven't been caught till now so why do you think you can do it now but not when I was 12 agent." I Say putting a mocking tone on when I say agent.
I shut up as we get down on to the ground and see my handy work the guy was still face down in a puddle of blood with his mouth gagged, heart in his hand and bullets in his legs. Well that's what you get when you try and kill me, I smirk as I get pulled past the body and put in to back of the FBI car and Ressler gets in the drivers seat and Lizzy gets in the passenger seat and off we go towards the black sight. Just where I want to be right next to my sister.


I smirk as we pull up the the black sight it didn't take long just about half an hour or so. As the agents get out they both grab one of my arms and drag me in to the black sight where every one stops and stairs at us.

"Well done Lizzy you got her." says the one and only Raymond Red Redding. I smirk up at him as he towers a both me at 5'10" compared to my 5".

"Long time no see red" I say the smirk not dropping off my face.

"Yes your quite right, it has been a long time but I need your help to find someone. Someone I believe you know quite well." He say as mistory as ever.

"Well maybe If you were to tell me who I might know where they are or I might be able to find out where they are." I say towards red.

"I need to find Gina Zanetakos and Ruslan Denisov " he says

"I do not know where Gina is but I do know Ruslan will have a meeting in the Milford Plaza Hotel on Friday the 13th of May so you have about a week to come up with a plan." I say smiling at the agents.

"How do you know this?" Asked Ressler.

"You know I don't have to tell you since I am not you puppy last time I checked you were reds aren't you?" I ask while rising an eye brow.

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