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Next thing I knew lizzy was storming in to my room.
"Hiiiii Lizzy?" I shouted when I first saw her.

"I need answers and I need them now" she said while storming across the room.

"Yes, no, to get to the other side and 1.7724538..." I said with a big ass grin on my face.

"She doesn't want to know the square root of pi Dabria" said Red scearing me. I didn't even see him come in how did I miss him?

"Hiya Red, I would come give you a proper hello but I'm kinda caught up at the moment." While doing this I pulled at the chains on my hand. At this point Lizzy was getting annoyed.

"I need answers and real answers this time. What do we have to do to get you to tell us where Denisov is? And what is his plan?" She all but shouted at me.

"Finally you have the question." I shouted I would jump up and down but it's kinda hard when your hands are fucking changed to a chair. "I want my freedom. I help you on all of your cases but I get to walk in and out of here without a scratch on me. None of those stupid puppy's out there following me either."

"Not going to happen" said her partner. When the hell did ge come in here? I really need to learn his name. Nah I'll just call him blondy for now.

"Well then blondie have fun trying to stop his next attack. I heard it was gonna be his biggest one yet." I said while putting my feet up on the table in front of me smirking at him.

"Just tell us the numbers and when then we will see what we can do for our deal." Said lizzy not very happy shes doing this.

"This is why you are my favourite already lizzy. You actually have more the two teeny tiny brain cells between those ears of yours." I said then turned to Red smirking.
"She must have got that from her mum. I know to hell and back her father didnt have that many."

Lizzy who was obviously ignoring my last comment and Red's laughing said. "Common time for answers now."

"Fine fine, you joy kill. Numbers wise from what I heard about 30,000 and on the 15th May." I said kind muttering it at them.

"15th may you said the 13th earlier" souted blondie.

"Well yes but that's when our meeting if you know what I mean." I said winking at him. He stormed out with Lizzy following him. "Bye bye"

"What's up with him? He has to pull that stick out of his ass." I said to red laughing.

He laughed at me then said " its be a while hasnt it my dear."

"That it has too long if you ask me Red. Like I said I would give you a proper hello but I'm kinda stuck if you know what I mean." I laughed toward the end.

"You have to be more careful with what you say Dabria. We can not let her know too early. We have been working to long on this plan to have it blown by letting the wrong thing slip." After this he left the room leaving me all to my self in the box again.

I know it's been years since I've done anything on this but here you go.
I have changed some minor bits from the first 2 chapter the main one is her starting to be a criminal at 12 instead of 14.
Hope you enjoy and should Red have is own nickname for Dabria or not?? If so I was thinking of maybe bella or ella from her first name (Sabella Sachi Dabria Rostova) any other ideas for it?? If so what do you want it to be.

♡ DJ ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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