Chapter 5: Tea Party and...First Kiss?

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I love this picture so much!! ^-^

"Miss Y/N, can we play tea party?"

You looked down at the small girl who was talking to you.

"I'd love to, Sally!"

Sally began jumping up and down happily.


You chuckled as she took your hand and pulled you off to her room.

"I hope you don't mind if a few other people play with us too."

"Of course I don't mind."

Sally opened her door and you saw Silver, Smile, Ticci Toby, Splendorman, Pinkamena, and... Laughing Jack.  You shrank back a little, but went over to sit by Silver when he beckoned you over shyly.  You glanced over at LJ nervously.

"Why are you looking at me like that?  I'm not gonna hurt you!" LJ said, before bursting into laughter.

You scooted closer to Silver subconsciously, blushing when your hand accidentally bumped his (He has all of his limbs right now).

The tea party was fairly uneventful.  You spent more time talking to Silver than anyone else.  Ticci Toby annoyed you a little bit, but other than that, you had a great time.  Pinkamena offered you a cupcake, to which you happily obliged, and ended up regretting.  You gave her a smile and thanked her anyway.  Even Laughing Jack, after a lot of persuasion and begging, got you to eat a few pieces of his candy.  He was beginning to grow on you, the monochrome clown.  You thought LJ was kind of fun once you got to know him a little better, and he seemed less creepy.  You still wouldn't want to be left alone in a room with him, though.

After the tea party, Sally wanted to play dress up.  You groaned internally, but your mood quickly changed when you saw the young girl bring a beautiful, flowing, f/c dress to you.

"It's so pretty!"

You all got dressed in the outfits Sally had given you.  They were all pretty funny, but you thought that Laughing Jack's and Ticci Toby's were the funniest.  Sally'd given them both dresses: LJ's was black and white striped, while Toby's was pink.

Sally had given Silver a tuxedo (he had his arms and legs).

"You look handsome, Silver," You said, blushing.

"Thank you."

Both of your faces were beet red, and you couldn't help but to look away from each other.

Something wasn't right, though. You guys felt like you were being set up. Like someone had made sure that you were both in that room, dressed in those outfits.

Just then, Sally turned on some slow, romantic music.

"Time to dance!"

When you turned around to look at everyone else, they were all gone.

"Wha- guys?!"

Silver was just staring at you. He wasn't even blinking. Silver reached out to you, silently asking you to dance with him. You slipped your hand in his and he pulled you close. You lay your head on Silver's shoulder as you swayed to the music.

When the song ended, you pulled apart and had a bit of an awkward silence.

"You're a really good dancer." You giggled a bit.

"Thanks. You are too."


Sally was peeking through the cracked door, the others behind her anxiously asking what was happening.

"I think our plan's working! Miss Y/N and Uncle Silver are going to kiss!"

Sally watched as you and Silver leaned toward each other, blushing furiously.

Back with you and Silver

After an awkward silence, you and Silver's faces drew closer. Finally, your lips touched his.

You kissed for about 15 seconds before pulling away, out of breath. You and Silver stared at each other for a little while before he pulled you into a tight hug.


I am so sorry I didn't update yesterday! I was busy working on a stupid essay for school. To make up for it, I'll update two times next Monday! Thanks for reading, and please tell me if you have any ideas for a chapter or if I've made any mistakes in grammar or spelling.

~Silver Heart

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