Chapter 7: Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

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As promised, here is the second update for this week.  I won't make two updates next week though, so enjoy!


"Oh my gosh!  I knew it!!"

"They're so cute together!"


You shot up from bed.  Well, you would have, had Silver not been holding you, causing you both to topple off the bed.

"Ouch," You mumbled, rubbing your head.

Silver looked at you sleepily, "W-what happened?"

You giggled, before you were reminded that you had company.  You got up from the floor and looked toward the door to see Clockwork, Jane, and Pinkamena.

"What the heck, guys?!  Why were you in here at..." You looked at the clock, "SIX IN THE FREAKING MORNING?!?!" (Note to self: Reader-chan gets cranky when woken up early.)

"Heh heh.  Sorry, Y/N/N1, we couldn't help it.  You and Silver just looked so adorable together."  Clockwork said.

You and Silver glanced at each other and blushed.

"Slender's almost done with breakfast.  Oh hey, Y/N." Jeff said as he shot a glare at Jane, who was standing in the doorway.

"Okay, we'll be right down, Jeff.  Thanks for telling us."

"No problem."

After everyone left you and Silver alone, you guys took turns in the bathroom.

Before you left the room to go downstairs and get breakfast, Silver stopped you.

"Do y-you remember w-w-what happened       y-yesterday?  Our k-kiss?  Did that m-mean anything?  Do you, uh, er..."

Silver was stuttering a lot more than usual, and he couldn't even finish his sentence.  You knew something was wrong, but what?

"That kiss was amazing, Silver.  Of course it meant something to me.  And what was it you were going to ask me?"

Silver blushed furiously.

"Will you, d-do you, um..."

"Yes, Silver?"

As adorable as his stuttering was to you, there were times, like now, that Silver got on your nerves.

Silver took a deep breath.  "Will you go out with me?  Please?  I mean, you don't have to if you don't wan-"

You interrupted him by kissing him.

"I'd love to, Silver."

He blushed even more, if it were possible.  You laughed and poked his flaming cheek.

After finishing breakfast, Jeff had to leave.  He didn't have anyone to watch Smile, though.  Jeff asked Slender, who was busy watching Sally.

"Who can I ask to watch Smile for me?"  Jeff mumbled to himself.

This caught your attention.

"Hey, Jeff.  I couldn't help but hear that you don't have anyone to watch Smile for you.  I could watch him if you'd like."

Jeff glanced at Smile, then back at you.

"I guess that'd be okay.  What do you think, Smile?"

Smile barked and jumped up on you, knocking you to the floor.

He chuckled as you struggled with the large dog, "I'll see you in a couple hours.  Take care of Smile."

"Okay, okay, Smile.  Down boy."

You laughed as Smile got off of you and sat right in front of you, waiting for your next command.

Silver didn't like the idea of you taking care of Smile, but he saw how well you and the killer dog got along.  As long as he was watching you with Smile, Silver was okay with it.

When Jeff got home, he saw you, Silver,  and his dog on the couch, sleeping, curled up together.  He gently poked you, so as not to startle you awake.

"Huh?  What?  Oh, hey, Jeff.  Smile was a little angel for me."

This surprised Jeff, since Smile always caused a problem for anyone who watched him, except for Slender.

You were kind of confused as to how in the world you fell asleep with all of the racket in the living room.  BEN and Dark Link were arguing over whether BEN had cheated at a video game or not, Toby was annoying Masky, and Laughing Jack was cracking jokes with Sally.

It was extremely loud in the living room, so you and Silver decided to go to a quieter place.  You and Silver went to Red's room and played Pokémon with him.

You had a lot of fun today.  Between watching Smile Dog, and hanging out with Silver and Red, you thought today was a great day.

You were about to get in the shower, but you didn't know that Silver was in the bathroom getting into his pajamas.

You walked in the bathroom and shrank back when you saw Silver without his shirt. You couldn't help but stare in surprise at his pale chest.

"Uh, I'm so sorry, Silver! I didn't know you were changing in here. I was about to get in the shower, but I can wait until you're done. Sorry!"

You quickly shut the door, blushing beet red.

When Silver was done, you tried to pass by him to get to the bathroom, but were suddenly held captive by him.


"About w-what happened earlier... It's o-okay, Y/N. I'm n-not mad at you. Just m-make sure to knock n-next time, alright?"

Silver gave you a quick peck on the lips, making you blush yet again.

Footnote 1: Your nickname

I hope you liked it. Please leave me a comment if you have any suggestions for future chapters, or if I've made mistakes. If you're wondering why I always ask if I've made mistakes, it's because I'm a stickler for correct grammar, and I don't want people to be shy about telling me if I've made an error. Thanks for reading!

~Silver Heart

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