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Monday, June 6th, 1925.

"Dear Darling,

Yesterday, Bart and I decided to pay Mr. Silverman one last visit, and for good measure, we brought Mr. Kramer along with us. We took a bright yellow cabbie down to Mr. Silverman's place where we found out that he was nowhere in sight. After knocking on the door a few times with no reply, the three of us pushed down the door with a strong kick, and walked inside calling Mr. Silverman's name. After searching the whole house to no avail, Mr. Kramer called a lunch break, so we replaced the door on its hinges and walked downtown.

Over a wonderful meal at a local deli, Mr. Kramer, Bart and I told all our opinions and ideas on how we should take action next. Bart thought we should send the whole police department out on a search to find Sam Silverman. I thought that we should look into Sam Silverman's file again to see if any alternative homes were listed. Though I never got to finish my idea because halfway through my proposal Mr. Kramer interrupted me by sighing loudly and slamming the newspaper he was reading down onto the ground. Bart and I asked him what was wrong, and Mr. Kramer just growled at the paper he threw. So, I got up from my chair and picked up the paper, where the article on the front caught my attention:


Recently, the Rochester press staff was alerted of the man behind the Black Butcher investigation. His name is Cornwallis Kramer, and the town hall has spoken. He is to be fired immediately from his position as the RPD Chief. Who will carry out this act of justice? You might ask. The answer is Brennan Foxworthy, the mayor of Rochester, for he has been temporary elected the new RPD Chief in Cornwallis Kramer's place. In the meanwhile, Cornwallis Kramer will be held at the town's holding cell, where he belongs until further notice or capture of the Black Butcher. If you have seen Cornwallis Kramer, please call 1(585)-TWNHALL as soon as possible.

My first reaction was, Mr. Kramer's first name is Cornwallis? No wonder why he goes by his last name, then I snapped out of my thoughts and silently passed the article on to Bart, who was unsuccessfully trying to read over my shoulder.

After Bart had a chance to finish reading, the three of us stood in silence for a while. Surprisingly, Mr. Kramer was the first to speak, "Well, it looks like it is too late for me. The town was true to its word-it is Sunday. I guess that you boys will have to solve this case without my help. You can do it." My jaw dropped. Mr. Kramer was giving up that easy? "But Mr. Kramer-" I protested. He just shushed me and turned to Bart. "Bart, I don't care who the town elected as chief, I want you to step up into my role while I'm gone, okay?" Bart held his chin high as he graciously accepted the offer. "Attaboy! Now lets go." Mr. Kramer said. On the sour note the newspaper caused, we grabbed our things and hailed a cab.

There was a bittersweet tension on the ride back to the office, because it could be the last time Mr. Kramer would be out and about until we caught the killer. Bart and I offered words of support as we stepped out onto the steps of the RPD, and we held out our hands to help Mr. Kramer get out of the cabbie. Instead, he just smiled sadly and shook his head saying if they wanted him to be turned in, he would rather that he turn himself in than be dragged away to the town hall. We saluted his decision, and the cabbie drove away, taking our beloved boss with it.

On that swell note, I'm craving a slice of Charlotte's chocolate pie. We should go once I return, for I miss that café dearly, almost as much as I miss you.

With love,


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