Snowdin Scholars College (Ch 1)

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  I was sitting by the window, looking outside at the hot, blazing sand a few miles away from my home. I lived close to a desert, since my parents wanted to live in a secluded area. I could see the cacti that I grew up with, and a little garden snake slithering across the backyard. When I was really little, I named it "Slither Sweet." The snake hasn't done anything bad, so it was a good fit for it.

  "Stephanie!" My mother called from downstairs. "You need to get everything packed up in the next five minutes!"

  I moaned and shoved manga shirts and little figurines into a suitcase. Along with that, I packed some socks, underwear, and some of my pants. I zipped up and stood to my feet, stealing a quick sigh. But I remembered that Snowdin would be freezing, so I went to my closet and took a few jackets.

  I took one last look at the teal walls in my bedroom. I stroked my hand across my birch-wood desk. I smiled at the painting of a butterfly flying across a meadow. I would miss this place. It was my own little world, now taken away from me for at least three semesters.

  I sluggishly walked down the stairs with my bags, and went to the car. My dad loaded my things, and we began to drive to the airport.

  "Oh my little darling is all grown up!" My mother said through a few tears. "But if you need us, call. We'll be there as soon as we can."

  "Uh, no. We can't take a seven hour flight to Canada just to get to Snowdin. Besides, I know you won't do anything too stupid, Stephanie," my dad smiled.

  My mother lectured me about drinking and being careful about who I hook up with. As if I would need anyone, I never really thought about it. But my mom thinks I do, so I go along with it. Her information may be valuable to me at some point in my life.

  Once we got to the airport, my dad unloaded my bags and took them up front. My mom escorted me to my terminal, and gave me at least three hugs.

  "Oh I'm going to miss you. Your dad will too, he just won't admit it."

  "Thanks mom," I smiled.

Suddenly a bell rang and an announcement came on.

  "All passengers boarding flight  420 B please move to the terminal. We are checking tickets now."

  "That's my cue, mom. Give dad a hug for me," I said with a sigh.

  She let me go to the terminal, where I saw a strange person. In fact, it looked like a little dog with a yellow and blue shirt. It had hair, and big ears.

  "I better not be hallucinating," I said to myself. Hopefully none of the employees heard me, or else they may keep me here because they think I'm on drugs.

  I hurried in the line and showed my ticket, and quickly got on the plane. The little dog was nowhere in sight. I shook my head and took my seat. It was going to be a long flight. I was going to have a bad time.

  After my seven hour flight, plus an annoying bus ride, I finally arrived at Snowdin Scholars College. It was freezing, and I absolutely hated it. I was made for the heat.

I entered the gates and found myself in the middle of a huge campus. There were two buildings to my left and right. The right building was headed, "Asgore Building of Battle and Souls."  The left was headed, "Toriel Building of Acting and Mercy."

  What even was this? I came here to learn how to be a nurse, not a soldier. Colleges weren't even supposed to teach this stuff.

  I looked straight ahead to find the administrations office. I entered and saw tons of weird-looking people. They were whispering. All of them.

  Some were green, others were purple and blue. There was one shady man in the corner, and he had a black cloak with a weird crack in his skull. He didn't even have skin. I turned away and he was gone.

I walked to one of huge lines. It seemed like everyone was going to college in the beginning of January. I was pushed forward as someone bumped into me.

"Oh, sorry about that," I said while I jolted around. A skeleton with a shirt that said "Cool Dude", along with some sunglasses and a hat, was behind me.

"Nyeh heh heh! Don't worry about it! But since you're here listening to me," a sly look was thrown on his face, "I am the Great Papyrus! Soon to be leader of the Royal Guard! I just have to get through college first! Nyeh heh heh!"

Another skeleton walked up and held out his hand. I hesitated for a moment, but took it. A sudden jolt of electricity went through me.

"I guess you could say we've got sparks," he said. Then he turned to the side and shrugged. That was not normal.

He was a skeleton, too. They looked the same, except Papyrus was taller.

"I'm Sans, and we're all new here."

I gave a look of understandment and moved up in line. I was next.

I looked back behind me and saw Sans pointing forward. I looked and saw a dog staring at me.

"Hello?" She said. "I'm Dogi. Or that's what I go by. My boyfriend and I love to be called that..." She trailed off.

  "Um. I just want a map of the school and my dorm number," I said.



  "Are you a human? Sorry, it's policy, but I bet you're not."

  I hesitated. Did they not like humans?

  "Uh no, I'm not a human."

  "Good. Okay then, here's your stuff."

  I took the stuff and followed the map to the dorms. I was next to Papyrus and Sans. But my dorm-mate wasn't there yet.

  I waited a bit longer and set up my stuff. That's when I heard a knock on the door.

  I opened it and a little dog bounded in.

  "OMERGAHD! We're gonna b rmates! Awesome! HOI I'M TEMMIE!"

  I smiled politely. This was not going to end well for me.

A note

Thank you for reading! I am a fan of Undertale and I am hoping to make more parts of this! I really hope that these names are not trademarked, I do not intend to use them for money. •U•

College With Temmie - An Undertale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now