chapter 1

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I heard my name being called from above me and I knew who it was, my personal maid Doris was doing her job, waking me up for school. I left an exasperated sigh and I stood up.

I got to the bathroom allowing the water to run through my body, I was fully awake now.

I dressed up quickly, I wore the dress my personal maid laid out for me. Am seventeen and mom hasn't stop the maids from laying out my clothes, it wasn't just me but both Austin he is fucking nineteen, I pity him.

I combed my extremely long fake blonde hair, I needed that fake blond hair, I sighed and walked out of my room.

Reaching my car I drove to Audrey's house, Audrey woods is my best friend, we've been friends since we were ten or nine I don't know exactly.

She looked exactly like me, okay maybe not exactly but we were like artificial twins.

She is blonde with sky blue eyes and pink lips. All She needs is a need lipgloss to make it shine.

While me, my real hair was black with gray eyes and red lips. I used coloured contacts to make my eyes look blue and dyed my hair blonde when I was twelve. Because of something that happened years ago.

Well, its past and history. My major problem was how to win the school wealth contest.

Yeah, I know weird right? My school kinda developed this thing called wealth contest, the winner gets to rule the school as in be either the school queen or king as the case maybe.

My brother was the king last year, then I was a sophomore.

I really need to win that contest because I have a really wealthy rival but of cause the Morris family is more wealthy than the Winters.

Brendan Winters is the school's hottie and bad boy. He had black hair and brown eyes. Every girl's dream but not me. I loathe him. He could get a lot of girls vote with the snap of his fingers. Yeah that's just how easy.

If you haven't figured am the school's golden girl. I hate it, but am used to attention though, pecks of having a celebrity family, the school don't know that, all they know is that am from an extremely rich parents that want me to have a normal life. That's the reason I even dyed my hair in the first place. I have a very complicated and complex life.

I stopped at the familiar house and honked, as expected, Audrey was out in less than a minute. So grateful for that. She came in and saw my face and stared like I was an alien.

Do I have something on my face I asked, she just shrugged she's the care free one anyway.

June, I said, she turned we call each other our middle names and we have that in common, that is months of the year. How am I gonna win the contest I asked her nervously,

She didn't reply, she just shrugged again like it was nothing. I didn't take it to heart though, I know her, she doesn't even know what to say.

We reached school just in time, we moved to our lockers which is just beside each other. Its easy to identify because mine's gold and hers is silver colored standing out in the whole school except for Brendan's locker which was beige. He has a weird side I guess. I took out my books and made my way to my class and thankfully we have the same first period on Mondays.

School went in a blur, and we were at lunch, just as I expected the whole team of cheerleaders were there already but me and June have our separate table for spray painted gold.

Audrey is late for lunch which is rare I wondered what kept her. You know the saying 'when you speak of the devil he comes' she came and explained her teacher told her to stay back and help her solve a question that was pretty difficult.

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