Police Cruisers

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I ran downstairs, seeing as there is a early morning practice and I was not 100% ready for the day. Stiles was my ride, like always so here I am rushing through my house like the insane woman I am trying to find my chem textbook. 

"Trenton! Where flipping fuck is my textbook I left it on the counter!" I yell to my brother I can hear coming down the stairs. 

"I don't know BayLynne find it yourself!" he yells back and I groan under my breath. 

You know what, fuck it. I can borrow it from Stiles we have the same block, just breathe Bay. I grab my bag not bothering to give another glance from the house. I run out of the house jumping into the jeep. 

"What took you so long?" Stiles asks and I huff a piece of hair out of my face. 

"Start the car before my brain explodes, Stilinski." I mumble and Stiles smirks at me before starting the jeep. 

"So I take it you had a wonderful morning then, baby?" Stiles asks clutching my hand. I glare at him lightly. 

"Just peachy, so is there any word on operation Martin?" I ask thinking about how we didn't have any more leads on Lydia. 

"Operation Martin?" Stiles whispers, eyebrows furrowed. 

"Is there any news on Lydia?" I rephrase my question. Stiles catches up and his eyes widen. 

"Not exactly, I'll explain when Scott gets in the car." Stiles tells me, rubbing his thumb across my knuckles. 

"You know both hands on the wheel is a thing." I whisper feeling the butterfly's as he does it. 

Stiles turns to smile at me, and I blush lightly. "I think I'll risk it for today." 

I look out the window to hide the small smile on my face. I notice that we pulled up to Scott's house and I let go of Stiles' hand to let him in the car. Scott pouts at me from the backseat considering I was usually in the back. 

"Sucks to suck, Scotty." I smirk and he huffs leaning forward. 

"Anything?" he asks Stiles, and Stiles tilts his head. 

"Sort of." Stiles replies vaguely.

"Spill it." I tell him, he now has my full attention. 

"My dad went to the graveyard this morning. There was a report on a grave robbery." Stiles explains, but it doesn't make any sense. 

"Why would Lydia steal anything isn't she like filthy rich?" I ask and Stiles sighs. 

"Yeah well whoever did it, didn't take jewels. They took a liver." Stiles mutters grossed out and I wrinkle my nose. Was Lydia really that savage to be running around naked and stealing livers from dead bodies? 

We pull up to the school and hop out of the car. Walking along side each other Scott asks. 

"She ate the liver?" Scott asks. 

"No I didn't say she ate it I just said it was missing." Stiles says like it's supposed to make it better. 

"Isn't it supposed to be the most nutritious part of the body?" I ask thinking bad to some reading I had done in science last year. 

"Yes, yes it Bay." Stiles confirms and I shrug as we walk up the stairs. 

"I never ate anyone's liver." Scott retorts and I sigh. Can't he let me have my moment? 

"Right because when it comes to werewolves you're a real model for self control." Stiles sass's as I shake my head. 

"Actually wait, you two are the test cases for this! Well Scott mostly, but let's go over what happened to you two." Stiles points his finger at us and I look at Scott. 

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