The loner phobic and the SLANT chick(pic of binkie)

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Hey hey heyday I actually got this acronym from an old teacher with a few modifications so enjoy


Bugsy POV

After me and Binkies grand entrance we sadly had to part ways and get to class well first to our lockers. "104 104 104," I chanted while looking for it in the large sea of people and me being short could represent NEMO yay I love nemo. Yes I got a good locker not on the bottom and not on the top just right in the middle wow I feel like Goldie locks whats up with me and story's today.

Suddenly I felt a hand grab my Shoulder accidentally touching my boob.I turned around and smacked that person. Ewwwww it was Doll. "You perve what are you doing groping me do I look like the wall to you if you want to get permanently neutered just go to the vet your already look like an animal," i grunted. He smirked that big nosed oaf smirked " you know you liked it."

I stared at him horrified "um do u look like a type of girl who wants cooties all over her." He snorted "what are you five I dot have cooties." I mumbled "ok whatever helps you sleep at night but just think about why girls don't go near you," and I walked away.

I started to make my way to my first class. Ok S.L.A.N.T. Is an acronym all of us use but there's different meanings for each of us. Me being the "nerd" it means sit up, learn, always make all your teachers love you, never disrespect them and turn in all your work. Yes I'm a nerd if you cannot tell. Well here we go.

Ok so first stop is Spanish 1/2. I heard the teachers awesome so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Binkies POV

"203 ah I found it" I have been looking for my locker for what seems like ages, I put all my stuff in the locker, which wasn't much since it was the first day of school. Then I looked at my schedule "period 1 PE, lucky me! "

When I got to PE I noticed I didn't really know anyone in my class. "Lucky me ill be the loner, the weird. the one with no friends."

Just as I said that Lollie came in " YAY IM NOT A LONER!" I screamed a little to loudly. Everyone turned around and starred at me with a puzzled look on their face. "What you've never seen a girl yell because shes happy shes not a loner anymore? "

That just earned me another puzzled look, "jeez tough crowd," Lollie snorted behind me. "Well you're on the right path to not getting forgotten you're gonna be that loner phobia chick." I looked at her unimpressed "puhlease GURLL."

"Ugh I hat PE," moaned Lollie "it's running more running and Pervy guys staring at sluty girls butts." "Yah yah cry baby lets get this over with besides after this is lunch yaaaay," I encouraged.

Bugsy POV

I felt my eye twitch and my hand tightened on my pen. I glared intently on Palo Pablo Poncho whatever his name is. so Spanish is awesome the teacher Mrs.Lauren is hilarious and AWESOME.

Then this poncho guy well that's what I'm gonna call him comes in with his Elvis Presley wanna be hair and starts blanking about how he's so smart and is fluent in Spanish bla bla bla. I don't give a poop hehe well that's what Mrs.Laurel said.

Well guess what Poncho you ain't in Algebra II with me so shut the pancakes up. I get so annoyed when people are like oo yah well your only in there because I already learned it and they want the dumber people to learn it but I already know it. yup that's a pet peeve of mine don't act like you're god.

Ok enough ranting Spanish is actually pretty easy so yay a class I don't have to fry my brains out for woot woot.

Another plus is that these 2 guys from my middle school are in my Spanish class. They're both short and super skinny their like bromance close. But they're straight the blond and blue eyes one is named mark and the brunette hazel eyes one is named Micky we call them the M&MS.

They came in wearing their PE basketball shorts as high as they could go camel toe alert. They got up to the front and yelled "hit it" and suddenly one D started playing and started dancing all this one Direction dances. So yah Spanish is going to be very entertaining.

The bell rang loudly "YES LUNCH!" me, Michael and Mark cheered and cracked up. "Bye hasta luego," yelled Mrs.Laurel.

Binkies POV

After PE the bell rang which meant LUNCH!! "OMG I wonder what its going to be mingling with the seniors." Lollie just starred at me and started laughing. "What it must be different than being in middle school, with big literally BIG kids, theyre giants compared to us, well compared to me your tall you lucky butt," I said to lollie.

We ran to our lockers then went to meet at the tree where we decided we were going to meet with the "crew", me, bugsy, lollie, becksters, and micky (lollies bro)

"Hey guys!" said becksters




"Hows the first day going you guys?" I stared the conversation.



"Good I guess"

"Geez you guys are sooooo enthusiastic, come on guys look alive, its HIGHSCHOOL!!" I said, I don't know about them but I was pumped, excited, thrilled, overjoyed, whatever more that means excited. Highschool seemed so different from middle school because you were one step closer to being an adult, to work, to college, to do whatever you wanted for you life.

"So, whos hungry?"

************authors note***********

what do you guys think, like, don't like, give us some feedback.


-BB & Aims

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