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Next morning


I woke up really early,it wasn't even 7am.I looked to the other side of the bed and saw Tyler peacefully asleep,his chest rising and falling.For some reason I didn't feel that bad as yesterday,just weird,we knew each other for so many years,but I never thought of us being like this.But god was he handsome. I decided to take a picture of him.As I was looking at it, I replayed his words in my head.'We're just friends with benefits'.I mean having Tyler over sometimes was nice,but I would like something more- I would like to wake up next to someone who I care about and who cares about me,every morning.I had no idea what did I feel towards Tyler,but I knew that when I hear his voice,I have butterflies,when he touches me,I feel my heartbeat getting faster.Was this love?

After 10minutes of just laying there, I decided to get up,and make some coffee,when Tyler walked past me only in his underwear.I could not get my eyes off of him."Haven't you had enough?"He said with a smirk plastered on his face."Haha,very funny.Screw you, Seguin."I replied sipping from my coffee."Good morning to you as well."He shouted from the bathroom.I sat behind the table and started eating breakfast."So,I have to go now."He said grabbing a mug from the cabinet."Could you at least put on some t-shirt or something?"I said trying to not look at his abs.
"You know,then you wouldn't have an object to stare at."He remined."You're so funny today Seguin."

I thought of a 'goodbye' kiss,but that didn't happen.

Later that day


"Tyler,tyler!Focus!"Coach shouted making me stop thinking about yesterday."We have an important game today,so could you please focus?"I nodded."What about that huge smile?"Now, it was Jamie who made me stop daydreaming."Nothing,I was just...just thinking,ehm,about the strategy for the game."I replied trying to sound as convincing as I can."Liar,I know that smile.So who was the not lucky this time?"He said quietly giggling."Nobody!I'm not liing."With my respond he skated away,thankfully.He doesn't have to know that me and Sophia have a 'thing' together."Alright,so everything's clear?"The coach asked us and  we started playing.I had no clue what he said to us.

"Seguin!Come here.Do you remember what I told you?"The coach asked with a slight anger in his voice."Ya,sure I do."i replied."So what was it?"I couldn't remember anything."Why weren't you paying attention?"The anger in his voice was getting bigger with every word."Aah,I was just thinking about...about..."I tried to say something but I just couldn't.Thankfully the training was over, and I could go to the locker room.

"So will you finally tell me,why were you so distracted today?"Jamie asked while he was untiing his laces."Why do you wanna know anyways?"
"Because you're my friend?And also,we have an important match today,but you didn't pay any attention to the coach,so I would like to know the reason why."He asked getting up standing right infront of me."It''s just I can't stop thinking about one girl."I said, putting off my gear."Oh geez, that girl better be really hot,when it was more important than the training."Jamie said with anger in his voice."Look,I'm sorry,okay?I know that this is an important match,but I just can't get my mind off of her,and for your information she's hot,but I don't want to take this any further.And I think she does."
"How do you know?"
"The other day I told her,that we can be just friends with benefits,but she wasn't looking so happy.And she just acts different,we knew each other for so long,but she never acted this way.I just think that she wants us to be something more".I said."So,was that why you were smiling?"Jamie asked.
"No,I was just smiling because of the thought of yesterday's night."I replied with a smirk on my face.
"Oh,alright that's a good reason then."We laughed,leaving the locker room.


Just another day spent with books and notebooks.I was about to make some food,when my phone started buzzing.I got a text from Tyler,asking me if I wanna get some food.

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