Chapter 14

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"IT ALWAYS WORKS FOR ME, DAKOTA TO DECATUR." Joslynn and Louis sang at the top of their lungs which caused me to wake up. Harry's arm was protectively wrapped around my waist. He noticed my squirming as I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Did you sleep well, gorgeous?" He mumbled against my ear. I nodded and smiled, running my fingers through my hair. I was about to ask Harry a question when the car came to an abrupt stop, causing us to jolt forward then back again.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" Harry grumbled from beside me. Louis chuckled and turned around so he was facing us.

"There was a little squirrel crossing the road."

Harry rolled his eyes. "You practically eat those things you know." Joslynn shrugged and began driving once more.

"I still feel bad about running over them." Harry sighed and mumbled something under his breath that sounded like, 'I don't understand you sometimes'. I giggled and rested my head on Harry's shoulder.

"Emily, I don't know how you're acting so calm! If I were you, I'd be screaming at the top of my voice." Louis broke the awkward silence between us all.

"I'm not that calm, to be honest. I'm just too shocked to freak out." I looked down at my shoes and started counting the shoe laces.

"Oh, I know what you mean. Joslynn was kind of like that when she found out she was pregnant!" Louis nonchalantly said.

"Excuse me?" Harry and Joslynn asked at the same time. The car had parked again and Joslynn was staring at Louis.

"I'm only joking. Keep driving, babe, Liam's probably wondered why we've stopped." Joslynn's gaze drifted away from Louis and she began driving once more.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack, Lou." Harry was glaring at the back of Louis' chair.

"Impossible, mate. Vampires can't have heart attacks!" Harry rolled his eyes for about the twentieth time tonight and held me closer into his side.

"We should be to London soon." Joslynn yelled over the radio. It was now blaring an Ed Sheeran song, which Harry was humming along to.


After thirty minutes had passed, I looked out the window and saw Big Ben, and many other beautiful attractions. Lights were lit up all over the city.

"Wow, this is gorgeous!" My jaw was practically on the floor. Harry laughed and lifted my chin up, closing my mouth.

"Not as gorgeous as you, babe." I blushed and began counting my shoe laces... Again. It's sort of become a habit now.

"Are you hungry, Emily?" A voice came from the window which caused me to jump. I turned and saw Liam leaning in the window. I hadn't even noticed we had stopped.

"Yeah. Starving!" Liam nodded and grabbed Jesy's arm, dragging her along into the resturant we were parked in. Jesy yanked her arm away from Liam's grasp and ran back toward the car.

"Babe, what're you doing?" Liam shouted. Jesy held a finger up to him signaling for him to wait. She jogged up to the window and leaned on it.

"What would you like?"

I shrugged. "Not sure what's here."

"How about some chicken strips. Sound okay?"

I nodded and reached in my pocket for some money. "Yep. 'S okay." I tried to hand her the money but she denied.

"Liam's got it. Don't worry!" She patted my head and ran back over to her boyfriend. They opened the doors and walked in. I sighed and put the change back in the pockets of my pajama shorts.

Zayn, Perrie, and Leigh Anne walked up to the Range Rover and began chatting up conversation.

"So, Harry. Where d'you reckon we'll stay?" Zayn pulled his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and handed one to Perrie, Louis, Joslynn, Harry, Leigh Anne, and one for himself. They all lit them and inhaled and exhaled at the same time. I coughed and waved a hand in front of my face which earned a chuckle from them all.

"Did you all really have to do that now?" I whined. Harry pinched my side and nodded.

"Yeah, sorry babe. You should be quite used to it by now, though."

He had a point.

I nodded. "True. But I still hate the smell." I cringed as Perrie blew a puff of smoke out directly at my face.

"We've got food!" I heard Jesy and Liam run towards the car, bags of food swinging around in their hands. They reached through the window and handed it to me. I licked my lips and began eating.

"Mm. This is so good." I moaned. Jesy gave me a thumbs up and grinned.

"That's great! I didn't think it looked very good, to tell you the truth."

Leigh Anne laughed from beside her. "Well of course you didn't! You prefer red things, after all."

"You're right." Jesy shrugged.

"Alright, guys! Let's find ourselves a hotel to stay at. I'm beat!" Joslynn sighed from the drivers seat. She threw the cigarette out the window and Perrie crushed it with her foot.

"That's a good idea. Alright, just drive behind us guys and we'll find something." Harry picked up a piece of my chicken tender and stuck it in his mouth. "Gross." He groaned and spit it back out.

"Harry Edward." I scolded, putting the piece of chewed chicken in the bag. He snickered and gave me an apologetic hug.

"Alright we'll see you guys soon." Zayn crushed his cigarette and walked back to his car, Perrie and Leigh Anne following close behind.

"See you guys." Liam saluted and grabbed Jesy's hand, walking back to their cars. Joslynn rolled all the windows up and began driving, in search of a hotel for us to stay at.

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