Chapter 17

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"Joslynn, put the god damn hood on your head!" Harry shouted to his sister, who was stubbornly refusing to put the hood of the sweatshirt on.

"But it'll mess up my hair, Harry!" She whined. I rolled my eyes, tossed the hood over her black hair and crossed my arms. She cringed and attempted to pull it down. Jesy reached over and smacked her hand away.

"Quit it, Joslynn! We have to leave." She zipped her jacket up and followed Liam out the door. I threw on a purple hoodie and put the hood up over my head.

"Where'd you get the hoodies?" I asked Louis.

"Stole them." He simply shrugged. I sighed.

"Why am I not surprised." Joslynn giggled and gave her boyfriend a kiss on the nose, grabbing his hand to pull him outside. Harry slipped an orange jacket over his shoulders. He pushed the sleeves up, revealing his many tattoos. He threw the hood up over his head and motioned for me to come towards him. I walked over and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I won't let him hurt you. I swear." His hands slithered around my waist as he pulled me in and attached our lips together. Honestly, I could stay like this forever. Louis poked his head in the door and knocked quietly.

"I don't mean to interrupt things." He eyed us. "But we kind of have to get the fuck out of here." Harry rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand, entwining our fingers together. "Oh shut up, lover boy. You can get some in the car if you'd like." Louis snickered.

"Louis." Harry warned.

"Alright, mate. I was only joking anyway." Louis patted Harry's shoulder and held the door open for us.

"Where are we going anyway?" Jesy asked.

"Yeah, we can't just keep hotel jumping."

"I know, Zayn, but it's the best we've got right now. I'll figure something out later." Harry shook his head and began walking towards the elevators. "Let's go to a hotel that's further away.. Doncaster maybe?"

"I know a great hotel in Wolverhampton!" Louis yelled.

"We're going to your hometown Louis, not mine." Liam scrunched his eyebrows together. Louis shook his head and motioned for us all to come closer.

"What if Justin's listening to our conversation? He'll know where we're at. I know a place in Doncaster we can stay."

"We aren't staying at your mum's house." Harry grumbled.

"I know. We can either stay at my apartment, or we can go to a hotel. Your choice." He watched Harry intently. Harry sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I think I'd prefer a hotel. More people there, and Justin can't make a huge scene."

"Harry, it doesn't matter where we go, Justin will always make a big scene, public or private." Joslynn rolled her eyes and scratched her neck, something she did a lot, but I never knew why. I decided that I would ask her later.

"Alright, let's bounce." Liam grinned. Louis pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers and shook his head, groaning loudly

"Never say that again, Liam." Everyone else nodded their heads in agreement as we walked to the elevators.

"I was just trying to be cool!" Liam pouted.

"Well you're not, so stop trying." Harry snapped. I rubbed his arm up and down, trying to calm him down. I felt him relax into my touch, causing a smile to spread across my face. I stood on my tip-toes and leaned up to his ear.

"I love you." I pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. His arm wrapped around my waist, holding me close.

"And I love you." He smiled down at me and gave me an Eskimo kiss. I heard Joslynn make a gagging sound.

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