CHAPTER 6 - "You Have Got To Be Kidding Me."

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I had a triumphant look on my face with his headphones in one hand and my other arm on my hip.
He opened his mouth to say something, but I interrupted him.
I had already heard enough from him. It was my turn to do all the talking now.

"No, you listen to me Calum. Stalker. Whoever you are. Enough is enough. First of all, let me start by saying that eavesdropping on someone else's conversation is considered to be very rude, which was your first mistake. Secondly it's creepy how you just found my locker and put a note in there. Then you have the audacity to give me that blasted book and place it on my car.
What did you think you were doing, huh?", I did not even realise, but I was practically shouting towards then end of my sentence.

There was silence in the cafeteria and I could feel all the eyes in our direction. Good, let the entire school know what a creepy arrogant person this guy was.

His expression had changed from surprised to something unrecognizable. It was as if he was wearing a mask of passivity.

I go on to say.

"And I am not even done here. After doing all these strange things you go on to behave in such a pricey manner, not that I care about you. But watch your attitude for God's sake. You're no celebrity, alright?"

I sigh loudly and turn to walk away.

"One last thing. Stay clear off me. I am done, stalker.", I storm towards my table, leaving the last few words just hanging in the air. I could hear a few hoots and wild whispers, but chose to ignore them all completely.

I start walking towards my table and see Kate wearing a look of pride.

"You go girl! That's was one hell of a speech you got there. I am sure he isn't going to bother you with any of his moves anymore. Too bad he was really cute.", saying this, she winked at me.

I just shrugged it off.

"He better not."

I felt much better and at peace, now that I had confronted him. Although it was pretty much one sided. I'm glad I did not give him a chance to utter a word, otherwise he would just say something snide and put me off.

I stole a glance at his table and saw that he was gone, he wasn't sitting at his table anymore, although the tray of food still lay there.

Luckily for me, I didn't have any more classes with him after lunch, so that was a relief, and I had two with Kate, so I could fill her up with everything.

The rest of the day was quite hassle free. We didn't get much homework from the remaining classes, which helped Kate and I to catch up with each other.

She told me how Rafael drove her to school today and how she did not like the fact that he did not go to our school.
It had been long since I'd seen this side of her.
It was almost new to me and refreshing to see her this way.

We started walking out of the school to the parking lot where my car was parked.

"So, Rafael isn't picking you up from school?", I teased her letting out a laugh.
I could see her cheeks turn pink and she nudged me on my side.

"Actually we're going for a movie in an hour or so.", she said.

"Why don't you join us, Aria? It will be fun. Anyway since the time school has started, we haven't gone out together. You'll get to know Rafael better, he's a great guy."

"I am sure he is a great guy Kate, but I do not want to gate crash your date. Plus its not even been a week since school has started and I have a lot of assignments piled on that I still have to complete, unlike you. So thanks, but no thanks, I'll pass."

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