Just a Regular Day

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First off I want to tell you the age and times songs came out and such is not accurate at all in this one Tony is 26 and they released Collide with the sky I'm sorry it's just yea so continue also Lexi is 19.

Lexi POV

"Panda get you ass down here" yelled my roommate Annie. "Hold on a second I think Starbucks can wait"

I rolled my eyes and looked in my mirror. My black hair has one streak of green and blue, it goes down a little past my shoulders. I nodded my head in approval and zipped up my sweater.

I walked out of my room. "Thank gosh Lexi the thirst is real over here."

I laughed as she pulled me out the door to our jeep. Since the radio didn't have any songs we liked we blasted our Pierce the Veil cd.

We pulled up and we bolted for the door. As soon as we got to the counter I stepped behind Annie. She ordered our drinks and we waited. "Lex why you no speak." I rolled my eyes "You know why Ann"

She looked at me apoligeticly an then went to get our drinks. We sat down at a small table.

We laughed and talked so much that it was dark by the time we got out. We got home and I yelled "Warped in 1 day hecky yea"

Annie rolled her eyes "Do you really have to count down everynight?" I nodded my head. We went on the couch and turned on the t.v.

For some odd reason Tom and Jerry was on. About half way through I realized that they didn't even talk.

I face palmed and kept watching. This show was really violent. I didn't even realize how bad this is. Jerry made it look like Tom killed himself with a knife.

It got later and I had to go to work tomorrow EARLY too. It was my last day and then we were driving down to the tour early so we could do some things before.

I got up from

The couch "I'm going to sleep" She nodded her head and kept watching t.v.

I went in my room and put my sweat's on and laid in my bed. I fell asleep scrolling through tumblr...man there is some weird shiz on here.

Tony POV

I rolled out of my bunk and strolled into the kitchen. There stood Jaime, Vic and Mike.

"We are going to an interview Tony wanna come?" I stepped back and shook my head.

The rest of the boys left and waited outside. Vic stepped up to me "Tony you have to get over this"

I shook my head "I can't today Vic I just can't"

"Come on do it for the fans they miss their turtle"

I rolled my eyes "Fine but only because I haven't been in one forever"

He patted my back and we all walked to the interview.

Everyone was laughing and having a goodtime. I smiled and laughed. I even made some jokes. But for the most part I let the other guys take over. I'm not really one for the camera.

I love the fans they mean so much to me so I would do anything for them.

It ended and I winked and waved bye. We all decided to get food. Mike was very exited. I was in the mood for some cheesy burgers.

We stopped and ate we were all having fun. "So tomorrow is the show ey" I said. "Fuck yea" yelled Mike.

The waitress came and gave us our glorious food. "Tony, I'm glad you went today." Said Vic while stuffing a french fry in his mouth. I smiled "Yea like you said they need their Turtle"

We left and went back to the bus. I was completely exhausted tomorrow do interviews then we do our show.

I practically collapsed on my bed. I snuggled with my blanket.

Jaime burst through my curtain "Man you did amazing." I highfived him and we all tried to go to sleep.

Lexi's POV

I rolled over and knocked my alarm clock down. I got dressed in my uniform. My job at Hot Topic is amazing. I get awesome discounts on band merch.

I got in our car and drove there. Today we got a shipment of new Pierce the Veil shirts. I put them on the shelves and people were flipping out.

I know I probably shouldn't do this. I took 2 of the shirts in mine and Annies sizes. I bought and rung them up for myself before anyone noticed.

Two girls came up and purchased a whole mess of band merch. I rung them up and they left the rest of the day was pretty slow except for 4 boys who kept asking where everything was.

Before I clocked out and grabbed two more PTV shirts and a couple bracelets and rung them up.

Annie should love me. I left and got home.

"Come on girl you packed yet?" She nodded. We were staying at a hotel up there so we could hang out and stuff.

We have front row tickets and backstage passes. I will probably woos out and she will just go.

I handed her the new shirts an bracelets and she screamed "Fuck yea Lexi"

We put our suitcases in our jeep and drove.

About 2 1/2 hours later we arrived to our hotel so it was about 8pm. We looked around our room and I collapsed on the floor crying.

Annie came to my side "What's wrong Lex?" I sniffled "Ann I won't be able to do this I am too awkward."

"Come on Panda you can do this they love us all no matter how awkward you are so don't be scared I will be right there for you."

"I still can't believe that it's tommorow." Annie nodded her head "Yea we have been waiting for this forever let's make it memorable."

I nodded "I am hungry can we go get some food?"

"Fuck yea let's go" she dragged me out to this burger place. We sat down and ordered and just waited. Some people walked through the door. I started hyperventilating. "What's wrong Lex?"

"P..Pier...Pierce the Veil, they are right there" Annie gasped "Lex keep calm they probably don't want to be bothered right now." I nodded.

They were walking towards us I tried to take deep breaths they were just so close.

They sat down at the booth across the the isle next to us. I couldn't keep calm I couldn't breath the sexicans were right next to us.

"Lex calm the fuck down and eat food that's what they came here for so just please"

I nodded "yes Ann but O my god just look at them they are just so unf" right as I finished saying that Mike yelled "Fuck Yea" I thought he heard me so put my head down on my arms.

We got and ate our food. I so badly wanted to go sit with them and to hug them all. I resisted though. Annie was right they probably didn't want to be bothered.

We left before them I just couldn't handle it Tony was just so unf and Jaime was funny Vic was sweet and Mike was awesome.

We got to our room and I splayed across the bed. I can't believe I was that close to them and I didn't say hi.

We went to sleep fairly early due to the fact that Warped is tomorrow and I wanna get there early so we can get wrist bands.

I fell asleep in a mist if music.

A/N I know I already did one but why not again right? Anyway you guys like the name of the book... It took me 2 hours to think of it. Anyway yea okay


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