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Naya:So Ty how do u like California

Ty:It's ok

*Justice walks by*


Justice:Wht u say

Ty:Hoe now wht u gonna do about it

Justice:Easy just stay with Princeton forever become his wife and u 2 can still be the strangers y'all r

Princeton:*walks to them*Hey baby hey Ty

Ty:Hey Princeton

Justice:Hey baby

Princeton:So y'all friends

Justice:No she called me a hoe


Ty:Wht everybody says she's one

Princeton:Well u don't have to believe everything u hear


Justice: But nothing come on baby let's go

Princeton:K I'll meet u at Footlocker

Justice:K*walks away*

Ty:Princeton i-GCO-

Princeton:u know I thought u were a nice friend I was gonna ask u to be friends but until u called my girlfriend out her name no I can't talk to u the only thing we can be is classmates and neighbors bye Ty

Ty:*tears start forming and runs away*

Cece:What the hell man

Prince:Whatever*walks away*


Cece:let's go find Ty


Strangers~Princeton Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz