Chap 2

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Ty Mom: Ty wake up


Ty mom:Ty if u don't get yo ass up ima pull u out this bed now get up u gotta go to school

Ty:Ugh fine*gets up and gets dressed*

Ty mom:have a good day

Ty: k*walks out*


Ty:Hey Cece

Cece:can me and Naya walk with u

Ty:who Naya

Naya:I'm Naya

Ty:o I'm Ty

Cece:to school we go

*they go to school*

Naya:Damn roc is looking fine today

Cece: no it's all about Ray

Naya:So who u like Ty


Naya:wait u like Princeton

Ty:yea why is that bad

Naya:Idk cuz I heard he's going out with Justice

Cece:The hoe


Ty:Who Justice

Naya:She's the hoe of the school and she has gone out with almost every boy in the school even nerds and Princeton has always been her target till she finally got together with him and they have been going out for a while

Ty:O *sees Justice and Princeton*

Cece: girl don't let that bother her trust me you will get Princeton

Ty:Or we might just stay as strangers

Naya:look u live by him right


Naya: tell him after school


*after school u see prince walking to his house*


Princeton:o hey watsup

Ty:ok ik we barely know each other but I need to tell u something


Ty:I like u

Princeton:aww thts cute tht like me as a fan*walks inside*

Ty:O.O *walks inside her house*

Cece:*calls Ty*

Ty:*sounding sad*hello

Cece:hey u ok


Strangers~Princeton Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz