Addiction 10.

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I exhaled and the smoke blew out of my window with the wind, throwing the rest of my zoot out of the window I sat back down on my bed and rested my head on my pillow. My head fucking killed, the doctors had warned me about smoking but I didn't give a fuck too much was on my mind. First with Jayden and then Nyla, I wanted to kill him for trying to threaten her but not even Chris told me exactly what he'd threatened her about, which was odd. Then the fact I'd said no to Nyla, I didn't want to hurt her and knowing me I'd fuck up sometime soon. I just didn't want to involve her in all of my family shit so I decided to ignore her, as much as it killed. I saw how her eyes softened whenever she saw me but I'd just avoid her and her eyes would darken, out of sadness and worry. I knew she was wondering what she'd done wrong and it was horrible of me to do this but it was in her best interest. I tried to turn over onto my side but I grimaced in pain and laid flat on my back.

My room door suddenly burst open and all of the boys walked in, Keyon sat right infront of me and jumped up and down.

'What the fuck are you doing man?' I said screwing him, dickhead he's so annoying.

'Nuttin, you look half dead... what's wrong? Nyla deny your birthday sex?' He said smirking and both Blaze and Tesharn laughed, I ignored him and Chris, Shakir and Tremaine also walked in the room.

'That party last week was just eventful fam, you and Jayden had a fight over a girl!' Tesharn said and slowly shook his head, little did they know it was more than that. There had always been a lot of tension between Jayden and I, it felt good to punch him. I only wished my mum wasn't there so she wouldn't be able witness me do worse.

'Tesharn man leave it, why you gotta bring it up for?' Chris said and Tesharn kissed his teeth.

'I'm just saying, it was the highlight of the evening, where is the ex birthday girl anyways?' He asked and I shrugged, I hadn't seen her properly since that night on her birthday.

'What you mean you don't know? She's normally always here.' Blaze said and I glared at him.

'I just said I don't fucking know, I don't watch every move she makes.' I said bluntly and he raised his eyebrows, Shakir rolled his eyes.

'Why are you so bugged about Nyla anyways Blaze?' He asked and Blaze winked, I felt myself tense up so I sat up straight and Blaze flinched.

'I was joking fam.' Blaze quickly said noticing me move.

'Ignore him Jonah, how are you and Nyla though?' Tremaine asked and I turned the tv on, why were they always asking about her, it was none of their business.

'No? Okay.' He said and laughed to himself.

'Anyway, can we talk about something else other than Nyla? Like how you guys best start shopping for me and Jonah's birthday!' Chris said and I just stared at the floor whilst they bickered like bitches over dumb shit, I wasn't bothered about my birthday at all. All I knew was I was turning 17, not an important age I was just closer to dying. It sounds depressing but it was true and especially because of all this drama going on, I couldn't properly enjoy it. My mum was worried sick after kicking Jayden out that something had happened to him, he's a big man he should be able to stand on his own two feet, just like my dad did.

'Erm... Jonah?' I looked up from the floor and they were all watching me weirdly.

'Why you watching me for?' I said and they turned away apart from Chris.

'I was just saying, me and Tre might ghost soon.' I nodded.

'We're going Carmel's, you coming?' Although she was my cousin I saw no need for me or them to go there.

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