Scourge x Reader

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Y/N= Your name

B/L= Big or Little

F/C= Favorite Color

You walk down the streets looking from side to side. The breeze blows by, it's cold outside. Your wearing a B/L jacket with F/C gloves on. You also decided to wear a long black pants to keep you warm. You are walking on the side walk the wind like ice shards hit your face with regular force. You walk further down the side walk cautiously remembering the warning on the news.

Flash Back:

Your were getting your favorite bag on ready to go to the store.

"Dun, dun, dun, dun." The twinkling sound of the News theme song came on the TV

"Welcome to 7 O'clock News I'm Breezie."

"And I'm Toby." The two news reporters flashes on the screen. One was thin and had on a tight red dress, this was Breezie. She was known around town for being a bad girl but, on TV it was a different story. Toby better known as P-Nut was a plump, well rounded elephant with only a black tie on which was normal for the animals in Mobius.

"Today we have an alert from the local prison. There has been an escapee convict in the streets. Keep an eye out and contact the police if seen." They showed a picture briefly before you cut the TV off and walk outside your door. All you had to do is get a milk carton and some snacks. Although the streets you lived around were bad, you decided to go out anyway. Nothing could go wrong right?

Present Time:

You hesitate to cross the street. You know that your about to go into the bad part of town. It was fine when you first walked down here at first in the light of day but, now that it was getting darker and it changed everything. It seemed as if every shadow started to move as soon as you touched the ground. It would all be fine you said to yourself as long as you just kept walking forwards. Besides all you have to do is go back to your house. You already got the milk and a bag of your favorite chips.

    You take a step in front of an alley way. Just as you start to take another step forward-"crash!" A stranger bumped into you coming out of the alley. You look up at him, your eyes meeting each other's. His silvery blue eyes shined in the street lights glow.

"Hey come back here coward, face us like a man!" A voice yelled from the alley. The strangers eyes darted away to the streets then back to you. Your milk was already spilled on the ground and the chips where on the ground beside it.

"Sorry gotta run!" The stranger exclaimed quickly getting up.

"Hey!" You yelled as he started to run away.

"Come back here!" Another group of people yelled coming out of the alley, the same place the blue eyed stranger came from. You see the silvery blue eyed character run out of your view. You assume they are after him. They catch up to the side walk that your sitting on. Panic runs through your head as the 3 muscular guys stare at you.

"Where'd he go." The biggest guy says to you. You swear you recognize his face from somewhere. He leans forward and you can smell the smoke of the cigaret on his beard, along with alcohol.

You only look up and stare at them. It was a bad idea for you to go outside tonight. What were they going to do to you if you didn't tell them something?After all you have no idea which way he ran.

"Well?" He inches his face closer to yours. You could feel his breath on your face.

"I don't know." You say frightened of what may come next. The man backs away from you and stands up strait and tall, he then raises hi hand signaling to the other 2 men. The other two men walk towards you. You start to back away crawling on your hands facing them. Thy pick up your arms and hold you up to the bigger guy.

"Why you covering for him? You know him or somethin?" He looked at you up and down. Then it hit you. His face was the one on the news, the escaped convict was staring right at you.

"Huh!!" He yelled right in your face." Driving you close to tears.

"I don't know him." You state plainly. What was he going to do to you now? The muscular guy raised his hand to your face and slammed it into you. You screamed at the pain. The stinging sensation file your cheek and the end of your brow.

"Now where did he go?" He asks you in a deeper voice. The cold wind comes around and splashes onto you and the men. You shiver in fear and of cold.

"I told you I don't know" You cry. He looks at you and to the other men.

"Hand me the knife." You start struggling more and more trying to break their sharp grip on your arms. The other man to the left of you takes one hand off of you and gets the knife out of his pocket. The convict grabs the knife and looks at you again.

"Now, where did he go?" He asks moving the knife around in his hand.

"Agh-" A running green figure from the side tackled the big man in front of you.

"Wha?" You stutter before he swoops you up and carried you away.

"Let me down!" You yell. Trying to get away from him. He looks at you curiously like if your for real. He then continues to carry you  back in the direction he was going.

After several minutes of him running with you in his arms, he sets you down gently atop your feet. He starts to run off again but with the quick movement of your hands you hold him back for a second. He looks at you mysteriously, his bright blue eyes pierce into yours. A moment of silence is then pursued.

"I.." You look for some words, something to say. But you can't think of anything because of a sudden rush of blood goes to your cheeks. He looks at you up and down trying to figure out what's wrong with you.

"What?" He says, as he cocks his head to the side. He's sounding impatient like he has to be somewhere.

"Thank you" you say. He looks at you surprised. A little pink spreads across his cheeks.

"No.. Ummm..problem I guess I meant don't get this a lot so..." His nonchalant character gives you an insight to his personality making you somewhat happy. It makes you happy to find out this character, there was something about him that made you crazed. Something that made you want to know more...

"I have to go..." He says slowly almost as if he's intrigued by you too.

"Okay, I'm sorry to keep you." You bow, a sign of respect. Yet again he is taken by this gesture and he smiles a bit.

"Umm...yeah" He manages to get out. Another long pause.

"What's your name?" You finally decide to break the silence.

"I'm ughh... Scourge. But don't tell anyone you know me." He smirks, a devilish smirk.


"What's your name?"Scourge asks.

"Y/n." You say confidently. He laughs a bit not taking you a serious as you hoped.

"Well I have to go y/n." He says. "But we'll meet up again I know..."  He looks at you smiling. You stare at him, he was a really nice figure not to mention his snarky attitude.

"Bye!" He says quickly interrupting your thoughts.

"Uh!" You try to call out to him. But your stopped by the collision of his lips on yours. Not to wet but just enough to even out the dryness. His lips move swiftly over yours. He daringly bites your lower lip as you gasp, he enters with his tongue. You think of a reason to pull away but you can't think of one and you continue.

You wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around your waist giving you support to go on top of your tiptoes to reach him fully. The kiss deepens. You never want this to end, even though you've only known him for a little bit he's so much more than what you thought anyone could be.

He stops the kiss slowly, bringing his hand to your cheek and rubbing his thumb on your heel bone. You look up at him with glowing eyes caused by the street lights.

"Maybe I should bring you home." He suggests.

"Maybe you should." You say smiling.

And that's where your mind can wander into the abyss of what happens next!

Thank you for reading and I'm SO SORRY about the long update!!!
I hope you enjoyed and get ready for more!

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