Chapter 1- Introduction.

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The bell sounded and I levitated my books and grabbed them. A difficult task for some but not for me. I haven't had much trouble becoming Jedi. I had inherited some talent from my parents, although they had been on the dark side of the force they still stayed with their beliefs. They were strong, and I want to be like they were. The only thing was they fought against the Jedi. I definitely do not agree with that. That is not what should be fought, it should be for justice. The Jedi Academy motto was "Fight for justice." not "Fight against the dark side.". I walked to my locker on the opposite end of the hallway. It wasn't a long walk, but I had to walk past the cafeteria, which was hard because people hung out there after school. After I had fought through crowds I made it to my locker. I was excited to get home and test out my brand new light saber model my genius older sister made. She went to Tech Academy and was top in her grade, just as I was. I slipped on my Jedi Warrior jacket and left to get on a shuttle back to my planet, Gubile. It was a typical ride, but as the shuttle landed on my planet's port, something flashed in the distance. I couldn't see it well enough to make out the details, but I knew the shape. It was the same shape as the famous Millennium Falcon. I raced off the ship, and ran through the city streets. I grabbed my hover board that strapped on my back and put on my helmet instead of my gray beanie. My boots activated the strapping in system my sister made and I pushed my foot down to start it up. Zooming down the gravely and rocky street was easy with my little sister's technology. I put my arm level to my face and hologramed CJ, my sister. "Hey Luka, wassup?" She said to me. "Sendin' you may tracking coords. Wanna go check something out. Do wanna come with?" She sat there and pondered it for a moment. "Sure. And I'll bring my light saber, and your new one. Bye!" Her image faded away and I kept going forward. Not at an absurd speed though. She needed to catch up. Then I would go faster. I hit the desert just as she was catching up to me. "So, what is it this time?" She asked me. "I saw the same shape of ship as the Millennium Falcon." She just looked at me like I was mad. "Honestly, I did." I pushed at her, sending her an image of it using an easy mind trick. I soon stopped. "Alright, so you did. Then let's hurry up." I kicked up speed quickly and sped across the desert. Until I saw it, sitting in the desert, CJ to see me my 'saber and I unlocked my board. Putting my new weapon at my side I wondered who was piloting it. Whatever. I'm gonna find out.

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