I'll be your guide through hell

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As I look at the Three new recruits to Alpha company, Squad Foxtrot I see fear and regret in their Eyes. I begin pacing in front of the four I notice one is a Private, one is a Corporal, the last one is a Staff Sergeant. I stop in front of the Private and look into his eyes. I see determination but it's masked by fear.
"Private! What's your name!" I tell into his face shocking him. He starts stuttering at first then I'd finally able to make words. He salutes me then begins speaking
"PRIVATE GARRETT ESTEP SIR!" He yells while still saluting me.
"At ease Private" I say then I turn to face him "What made you want to join the Military soldier?"
The poor boy stutters a little bit then is able to form words
"My brother went into the Air Force sir, and I wanted to join also."
"Poor Bastard" I thought to myself he doesn't realize that the Military Branches don't exist anymore it's just all one clutter force the branches still call themselves branches they don't have separate leaders now they all listen to the same General. I look at Private Estep and salute him
"Private I hate to say it but you won't be working with the Air Force," He keeps in formation but I can tell he's disturbed "Every Squad gets a pilot and you're Foxtrots to feel honored!" I say to him. "You're dismissed but stay in formation"
"Yes Sir" He replies sadly. He stands at ease and puts his head down.
I walk over to the Corporal and I turn to look at him.
"And you are?"  I ask the Corporal.
"Well Corporal why did you join?" I ask.
He answer with a strong and demanding voice "I've always had good accuracy with Rifles Sir so I figured I could put it to good use"
I smile and answer him. "Let me guess you want to be an Army Marksman?"
He seems a bit shocked then answers "Yes Sir Exactly Sir."
"I have a question Corporal" I say.
"Yes sir." He replies
"Long Range or All around?" I ask my voice filled with curiosity.
"Long Range Sir" He says.
A grin breaks out on my face "Great!" I reply "I haven't had a Long Range Marksman in I don't know how long be honored Corporal"
"Yes sir!" He says.
Finally I reach the Staff Sergeant who is significantly bigger than the others. "What about you soldier?" I ask. The Staff Sergeant shows little respect to me.
"Staff Sergeant, That's all you need to know "  He replies to me practically spatting the words out at me.
I look at him menacingly and growls "I can make your life a living Hell Sergeant do you want me too?"
He grins with an evil look "Do. Your. Worst"
"GET DOWN AND GIVE ME FIFTY NOW!" I bark at him. He drops down and quickly finishes fifty with no problem. He quickly hops up and looks at me "Anything else you want me to do?" He asks unamused.
"Why did you join?" I ask putting venom in my words
"To kill everybody that I'm allowed to" He says smiling evilly.
I look at him awestrucked.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I ask.
"Everything" he says and rolls his eyes. "We done yet?"
"Group FALLOUT!" I yell. I start walking towards our barracks and The Sergeant taps my shoulder and I turn around to face him. "What the hell.." Is all I'm able to say before I feel something huge hit my jaw and knocks me down. He leans over me and Smirks.
"You treat me with respect from now on "Captain"" he says as he rips my Captain insignia from my ACU's and throws his Staff Sergeant insignia at me "Get to the Barracks Sergeant." He says and walks off. The Corporal and Private Runs over to me and picks me up.
"Come on Captain lets get you to the command hall." Private Estep says to me.

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