Unknown Visitor

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A/N: I am very sorry to hear that people aren't sure if this is a Natza only fanfic and I am here to say it is. Thank you so much for the reviews, they really help me get off my lazy butt. No other pairings and that's final. Now on with the story :)

"A-A date?!" Both wizards replied instantaneously.

Unable to form words, Natsu quickly took a step back making an X with his arms and shaking his head behind Erza. He knew Mira could dream farther than her fantasies will ever take her but he NEVER expected her to say her thoughts aloud especially in front of Erza. The guild hall was fuming with jealousy and awe while all the girls including Evergreen were cooing and donating a few "aww's".

Lucy however could feel her teeth about to become white (maybe black hehe...no that's mean!) powder as she heard this and stomped out of the guild which failed to settle the others' thoughts.

"E-Erza?" Natsu cautiously placed a hand on her shoulder to find it...trembling? Unfortunately for Natsu however, he met eye to eye with one of the most ferocious glares the requip mage can ever give as she took Natsu's left arm and brought it closer to her shoulder promising no escape.

"If you try anything on this mission then I will personally make sure you won't breathe fire ever!" That hurt Natsu more than it should have frightened him. He had a whole mapping on how to get to Erza's heart during this mission (Yes... Natsu thinks when he is desperate). He had to do something quick before Erza's pretty head creates...AH...the friend zone!

Giving no response, he brought up his free right arm and grasped his left one yanking and pulling on it as an attempt to free himself but was brought with no success against the red head's inhumane arm strength.

"Erza...you're hurting me" he whimpered faking a sad puppy face. "KYAA! I'm so sorry Natsu I didn't mean to hold too hard." Her murderous gaze instantly shifted to a caring and worried expression promising no pain.

"HAHAHA! You should have seen your face! In your-" The pinkette stopped his praising short as he began to notice tears? forming on her face. "Erza-"


Not wanting to hurt her 'injured' nakama anymore, Erza threw Natsu a powerful uppercut flying his body onto a pillar and stormed off not wanting to show her guild members her shameful tears. She thought just maybe he was serious about a date and was maybe into girls like herself and wanted to try going on a date. 'Stupid Erza!'.

At Fairy Hills

After arriving to her dorm in Fairy Hills, luckily at night time which illuminated all her sinful tears on her pale face, she made her way to her room located on the top floor. Wiping away her tears, a box with a note attached was visible next to her door. Requipping into her Heart-Kreuz PJ's (like the ones in my profile pic) she picked up the box and lazily waltzed to her bedroom where she thought about what just happened.

'Natsu... he never acted this way towards me... maybe I shouldn't have punched him... NO! that jerk deserved it!...!' More tears unconsciously dripped from her pupils staining the thin layer of bed sheeting she was currently snuggled in. 'Natsu probably hates me by now' (NO! Erza is not in love yet but is developing of course ;))Erza glances at the grandfather clock adjacent to her. 'I guess I'll have to make it up to him tomorrow' and with that she rested her head on the pillow viewing the ceiling and grabbing the box that was left for her. She opened the box first like a child opening their presents before reading the note, and saw pictures of herself sleeping? Filled with fear, she slowly turns her head left, right, and even behind her surveying the area.

Taking a closer look at all the pictures, one of them had a picture where she was hugging her pillow tightly, another showing herself in a very revealing nightgown, and the last one once again filled her eyes with terror. There in the picture, a dark hooded figure with glowing red eyes was feeding her what looked like to be a strange purple liquid. Resisting the urge to shriek, she desperately grabbed the note and read:

My Dear Erza,

I hope you enjoyed our little reunion. I am pretty sure you by now know that something is up with your body gihi. Oh and from now on if you don't follow my orders, you are in for one hell of a life. I will be at the bakery tomorrow morning just to give you a little heads up hehe. Good night Erza, I love you...


Haha nice try

She dropped the note and quickly dashed to the nearest restroom (she has 5 rooms in the OVA) and hung her head over the porcelain pot releasing bile and all other sorts of digestive fluids. After a few minutes, she instantly requipped into her Heart-Kreuz breastplate and slipped on a thick blue sweatpants. Hastily making her way back to her bed, she lied on the soft mattress and closed her eyelids, sleep overtaking her.

Back at the guild

Natsu wanted to chase after her when she left like that. Watching her cry felt like Gray's ice lances piercing his heart and what made it worse was that he was the one who made her cry which multiplied the pain by a thousand, no a million.

"NATSU YOU IDIOT!" 'huh... just like what Erza said' He turned his head to meet an over fuming angry face of none other than Racer. The other guild members also showed a disappointed look on their faces as they quickly turned their gaze away from the dragonslayer.

"Hey you listening to me?!" Racer threw a sucker punch right at Natsu's cheeks. Poor Natsu! But instead of fighting back, he rubbed his cheeks and slowly walked out of the guild with bangs covering his face. He didn't want to even say good night to the guild, he couldn't after what he put his nakama through.

He finally arrived at his hut where he and Happy has been living for quite some time now. Not bothering to take off his sandals, he opened the door and was met with a teary-eyed blue cat with a plate of fish bones on his paws. "Natsu! I'm so sowwy! You weren't coming so I got hungry and ate your fish!" He ignored Happy with a cold manner and shut the door behind his room leaving Happy crying his eyes out. Happy leaned his head towards the door and could hear the sound of writing? in his room.


Lucy Heartfilia was in her bedroom laughing hysterically and giving herself a mental pat on the back. The motel she was living in wasn't even the landlady's, it was hers! o_o She hired the landlady to order her around to make her seem humble in front of Natsu and always complained about her rent to go on more missions with the lovable dragonslayer. She thought she was losing him to that bitch Erza but she felt much better after this night for she was behind everything 0_0. The spoiled blonde brat pulls out her lacrima phone attempting to connect with him.

"This is Lucy, did you take the pictures and put it in that bitch's room?"

"Of course I did, and I would also like to thank you for your support. This will benefit us both"

"Indeed it will, did you make sure she drank the elixir?"

"Done without a single peep gihi"

"Very well, I amend you for your work and stay tuned for more instructions" Lucy smashed the lacrima leaving no evidence behind.

Erza Scarlet, I always looked up to you but now I realized how much of an obstacle you are to my Natsu.

A/N: Evil Lucy hehe... I never liked how she always complained about rent so I put a purpose in there. Also, sorry if you didn't get what you were hoping for, the bakery scene, but I promise that and some other scenes will be posted on the next chapter and will try to update soon (read my bio if you don't know my schedule). Also, please leave a review... they're like magic!

Erza's Urgency? Natsu At Your Service! (A Natza Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now