Former Dark Guild Duo

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A/N: Please imagine the hair is yellow and nose is a tad longer.

"G-Gajeel and L-Love Rival?!"

The pinkette took a step back and stuck out a finger at the Gajeel then to Racer who apparently happened to be the 'love rival' then back to the boy then repeating the process over.

"Woucha' stop pointin' at me?!" Gajeel said giving Natsu an irritated frown. Sawyer on the other hand pushed Natsu aside not-so-friendly-like and raced to the motionless Erza who held a face of anguish and pain written over her face. Fuming with anger, almost literally, he turned his death face to the crying dragonslayer and took a big huff of air...


As the surprised Natsu quickly glanced up to meet the vociferous cry, he was left too little time to react against Racer's fury of punches. He met a striking pain right on... the NOSE, then to his guts, his cheekbone, his eye socket and all of the other tissues in the body unmentioned. As for Racer, tears of anguish flooded down his cheeks as he threw a final sucker punch and landed a clean blow to the dragonslayer's torso as cracking sounds could be heard internally.

"Break it up Pinnochio! You're gonna kill him at this rate!" Gajeel yelled as he held Racer under his shoulders. The little boy who was watching the whole thing began to get scared and ran for his dear life. "I don't give a damn to that pink-head buffoon! He brought Erza along cause he's such a wuss one thing I hate more than a stupid Natsu is a pathetic Natsu!"

After a few more moments of struggling, the former Phantom guild member;s arms were now coaxed in warm sweat allowing Racer to wiggle his way free. With Natsu on the floor completely unable to defend himself anymore, the former Oracion Seis member sported a malicious grin and left him there.

After all, he did have to look good in front of his future princess...scratch that... future QUEEN!

In an instance, he brought his hands to his now-wet tongue and began to ever-so gently lick his palm then moving the oral muscle along to his fingertips. He wiped off his stuffy tears and styled his hair to a more cougar fashion which didn't go without reasoning.
(A/N: I just found out that P.O.V.'s are MUCH easier so I'm just going to continue with it.)

Erza!'s P.O.V.

"Nyahaha... It's time to wake up! Keep an eye out for me would ya sweetie?"

I heard a beautiful female voice call out to me. I tried to move my arms and give a nice response but they were bolted down tight as well as my other important parts. My back was pressed against some sort of cushiony mattress except for the cushiony part. The voice seemed oddly familiar but I couldn't get my winning number on it. The room was pitch black and I wasn't even sure if the floors were existent.

"Ooh it's been a long time Erza!" The beautiful voice called out again. My eyes darted to the left of me only to see that the beautiful voice belongs to... "E-ERZA?! I mean MYSELF?!"

"BINGO! Too bad there really isn't a reward just like at the festival. Oh but I do have some chocolate cake I have been saving up. Would you like some?" 'Erza' replied casually as if seeing a magnificent redhead stuck in bondage is a normal and healthy part of a daily life.

"CUT THE INNOCENT GIRL ACT! And please restrain yourself from eating that rotten piece of cardboard right now. Now release me or else..." I didn't get to finish as I felt my lungs losing air and everything started going black. My other self glanced down to me munching on her cake happily and waving goodbye with her left hand. THE NERVES!




That was enough to jump me out of my dream world and jolt my body up and met head to head with a sharp and pointy object.

"Owie... that really hurt..." I hissed under my breath as my fingers rested on the injured area. Looking around, I wasn't in a pleasant and sunny field of lush green grass with a certain pink rose feeding me cake but rather a rocky yet sandy hill which was noticed after my bottom kissed the floor. Regaining my composure, I then looked around me and saw two more figures with the addition of Natsu's who shouldn't be here. Wait why is Natsu so beat up?! Did something bad happen while I was out?! And why is Racer and Gajeel here?!

" could've warned me before banging into me like that!" I looked at Racer who began to rub his nose. Huh? So that was the pointy assaulter...

"I demand an explanation this instance!"

A few minutes later...

"I apologize! You saved our lives and I acted arrogant. You may punish me as you wish." Racer deserved to hit me as much as his heart contented to. According to him, the master of Forbidden Wielders used water magic and attacked Natsu while he was off guard which does explain his injuries. The master must have been pretty weak considering the little to no damage inflicted upon Gajeel and Racer. However, it does pain me to know that Natsu was hurt because of my lack of attentiveness.

Unexpectedly, Racer placed both of his arms on my shoulder and inched closer towards my face with a lustful smirk. His embrace felt so warm and I must admit he did look pretty dashing but it felt so wrong. My lips were about to accept their fate until I heard a thud and a great weight lifted off my shoulders.



A/N: Sorry it was pretty un-Natza but there will be a lot more on the next one I hope... Also this serves as a reminder that I am not dormant yet but more like Finding Nemo where they check the eggs once in a while. Please review!

Erza's Urgency? Natsu At Your Service! (A Natza Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now