>Passed Out<

38 3 1

Published 6/27/26

Faye's POV

It feels like 3 months since I've been in here. But it was actually only 2 days. I should be getting my voice back anytime now. I'm kinda starting to worry.

I think I'm gonna take a nap. Soon enough, the world around me was black, but I was still awake and I had a major migraine.

"ADAM!" I screamed. Oh my god, I have my voice back! "ADAM!" I screamed again but before he got to my room, my eyes rolled back and I passed out.

Jasons POV

I heard Faye's voice but I couldn't hear what she said, I was zoned out.

"ADAM!" I heard again. I charged up the stairs. I ran into her room while she lied there, passed out. Maybe she's asleep? Everyone else is gone and I'm here with adams passed out daughter. I don't know what to do! I dialed Adams number and it rang.

"Please pick up Adam pleeaase" I whispered to myself. He finally picked up on the 6th ring.

"Hey Jason! How-"

"Adam! Faye was calling your name and then she passed out, I don't know what to do!"

"Woah woah, is she okay?"

"I don't know! She just, passed out"

"We'll be there in a second" he said. I hung up and looked at Faye's resting body. I thought to myself. Why? Why Faye? It should of been me.

*10 minutes later*

I heard a knock at the door and I rushed downstairs to open it.

"Adaaaaayyyylleeerr" I slowly said confused. "Wait, Tyler? Why are you here?"

"We got here as fast as we could" Tyler (munchingbrotato), Kyle (kkcomics), and kyles girlfriend.

"W-what are you doing here?!" I explained

"Adam said he was adopting a kid and we wanted to see it"


"Yeah. We don't know if it's a boy or a girl, or how old it is"

"Okay, first of all it's a girl-"


"Yes! Just listen. Second of all, she's 14, I think. And third of all, she upstairs passed out in her room, like, literally. She just got back from the hospital"

"Can I see it- I mean HER. Can I see her" Tyler said.

"I mean, she's not aloud to have any visitors, but if it's okay with Adam you can. He should be here any- well speak of the devil" Adam burst in through the doors.

"Where is she?" Adam asked completely ignoring Tyler's presence.

"Upstairs in her room" I said. He bolted up there and I followed behind him. He pulled a card out of his pocket and dialed numbers on his phone. He put up to his ear.



My stories are so cringy..

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