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       One.    Two.    Three.   Four

                 I counted the times my Fist connected with this assholes face. I counted the times I heard cracks come from his body and how many times I felt parts of him break beneath me. Screams and cries escaped the mouths of all kids behind me. "HELP!" I heard kids scream here and there but I blocked it out. All of it. He deserved what he was getting. No one fucks with me. 

 Five.   Six.    Seven.    Eight.    Nine.

      Then I felt arms wrap around me and pull me up from the still body on the ground. His nose crooked and bleeding. His lips looked rough and bloody, from both his nose and the busted areas combined. I felt my body shaking. I have a small body but that don't mean shit. "Is he dead?!" My fellow classmates asked each other. The person held me and pulled me inside of the building from the playground. My body kept thrashing left and right and angry screams and growls escaped my mouth. "Put me the fuck down!" I screamed and thrashed. "Let me finish that bastard!" I kept thrashing and saw how close their wrist was to my mouth. "watch your la- AH!" the women screamed as I bit down hard into her wrist. "Fucking bitch!" I screamed and spit on her shoes and made a dash for the playground. I let a huge growl escape my lips as I picked up my speed to finish the son of a bitch. 

* before the fight *

       I sat on the swings, softly swinging back and forth as the sky was in my vision and gone as fast as it appeared. I closed my eyes and put my feet down the slow down the swing so I could get off. I soon was able to get off after it was almost completely stopped, making my way to the picnic table to was close by. I was two feet away when I felt something hit my feet then I felt all the wind rushing against my face. I had fallen because that....BASTARD! Min ho put his foot on my back and his friends backed away, going to play on the play sets. "Looky here, Dongheon, You look even more like a girl today. Not surprised. But whats with.." He grabbed a huge hunk of my head, jerking up. "This mess. Have you ever heard of a haircut? or are you just fucking stupid?" He laughed to himself and let it go, making me slam my face down again, my nose making contact first with the ground, then the rest of my face. "ow." I grumbled. "Aish." He said and stomped on my back. At this point, my body shaking violently, I couldn't control it. He started walking away giving off small fits of laughter. "son of A BITCH!" I screamed as I got up, making him look back, his smile falling as I rushed towards him. I fell on top of him, making him fall to the ground, That's when I started punching him. My body had a mind of it's own at this point.

*  Currently *

            I ran as fast as my legs would go, until I felt something sharp poke me. I turned around quickly to see what it was but I started seeing stars and everything started getting dark. I felt my knees turn to jelly and my legs give in. I fell to the ground and blink, trying to find a way to stay awake. But it wouldn't do. MY eyelids got heavier and heavier and they soon gave into the weight. 

* junior year 

        One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six.

       I counted my push-up's, Feelings all the eyes of my fellow students on me. I felt my body tense, and I stopped. I glared at everyone looking at me, spitting on the spot next to me. "Do any of you not know how to DO YOUR OWN GOD DAMN PUSH UP'S THAT YOU HAVE TO WATCH ME IN ORDER TO GET THE HANG OF IT?!" I yelled and they all flinched, starting to actually do something with their lives. I sighed and stayed sitting up. I pushed my hair out of my face and closed my eyes. I felt something touch my shoulder and I grabbed it, throwing it in front of me and stepping on it. "Holy shit dongheon, It's me." I watched as Young-min forced his way to breathe. I instantly relaxed. "You know you guys can do that. I could have fucking killed you! Aish I aughta..." I raised my hand to pop him in the face but all he did was laugh. I huffed and let him go. I looked around to see everyone staring in horror. "DO YOU WANNA BE NEXT?! MIN-HO!" I looked at the son of a bitch with a scar on his lip so big I could see it from across the field. "DO YOU WANT A REPEAT OF THAT DAY WHEN I KICKED YOUR ASS!?" He quickly shook his head, making it seem like it would fall off at any moment. I glared and rolled my eyes. "Damn, You got everyone fucked up eh?" Young-min said, laughing a tad. I chuckled with him and sighed. "Guess so. Anyfuck, what causes you to drop by this shithole of a so called class? You never show up." And i'm not joking either, He has only ever come to this class three times this whole year and we only have 4 months left. Dumbass. "I don't know but i'm bored, let's drop this place and get some food. I'm dying." I shook my head. "I can't, If I miss another class, Ill fail, I can't do it, Sorry. You know this dream is important, understand?" he scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah I get it, but what if this is all a waste? What if you can't ful fil your dream? wouldn't this all be a waste?" I shook my head and gave a small smirk. 

             "You clearly act like you don't know me. I'm so close to fame you don't even get it. I got a label already asking me to meet them! I'm on my way to the top Young-min, Aren't you excited? you'll be going with me on tours!" He scoffed again. "What if you fuck up and that label doesn't want you?" I groaned. "So fucking negative. If they don't want me, there will be more labels asking soon enough, I just have to get out there a little more." I smiled and poked my cheek. "I'm not being negative, i'm being truthful." He patted my shoulder, making my smile fall and my hand go to my side. He started walking away until I grabbed his shoulder and pushed him down. "Why can't you fucking be happy for me?!" I yelled. He stood up, dusting off his clothes and grabbing me shirt collar and pulling me up, pretty much throwing me down on the ground. "Why can't you open your god damn eyes and see that not everything works in peoples favors?!" He hissed harshly, Walking away, leaving me on my ass on the ground. "Fuck you!" I yelled and got up. 

      Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. 

                          I kept going to the teacher walked in and blew his oh-so loud fucking whistle. "Run." "YES SIR!" we reply and run around the field til class ends. I go to the locker room and change into my Black Jeans, White t-shirt, jean jacket, white snapback, and Put my glasses on. I decided to just keep my black toms on. I walked to the nearest convenience store and grabbed some Aloe. I payed for it and left, walking home and kicking rocks on my way there. Once I got home, I slipped off my toms and put on my house shoes, walking into the kitchen and Seeing my mom. I smiled and tapped her shoulder. 'I'm home' I signed. She gave a big smile and hugged me and pulled away. 'welcome back' she signed. I kissed her cheek 'I'm gonna be working, i'll help with dinner soon' she nodded and kissed my cheek back. I walked into my room and sitting down at my recording area. "Let's get started." I mumbled and took of my hat, putting my headphones on and putting the mic near my lips. I tested it and started a beat. 

   * end of first chapter *  



I'm New to wattpad (not really)

my other account got hacked and deleted in a way so I created a new one,

Anyway, this is my new book, I hope you enjoy

I rarely write author notes so don't worry, their pretty much all chapters

til next time (: 

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