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For those of you who don't know, there is an AU(alternate universe) in the fandom where some of the Hetalia characters are separated into four kingdoms: Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, and Clubs. There are three roles in each kingdom: King, Queen, and Jack.
There are also roles for two jokers.

Here are the official kingdoms:

King: Germany
Queen: Japan
Jack: Italy

King: France
Queen: Liechtenstein
Jack: Switzerland

King: America
Queen: England
Jack: China

King: Russia
Queen: Hungary
Jack: Austria


As you may have noticed by now, these kingdoms and roles correspond to the cards in a normal deck of 52 cards. This is why it is called Cardverse or Cardtalia. Now that I've explained that for anyone who doesn't know what Cardtalia is, here's the headcanon:

It has come to my attention that there are no Aces in the Cardverse AU. So, I came up with what the Aces' roles in the kingdoms would be and who would be the aces. The aces would be wise mages/wizards the Kings, Queens and Jacks would go to in times of crisis, or just for some good advice.

Here's my interpretation of who would be which ace and why:

♥️Ace of Hearts♥️
Dominican Republic
♥️Why: Yes, I know. It's my OC. But I have a good reason, I swear! She has always been fond of humans, so she would often make human friends to cope with her loneliness as a young nation. But they all left. They didn't die, they left her. They all left in a different way, for different reasons. She has made so many mistakes that she knows exactly what not to do to keep someone with you, and by extension, what you should do to keep that special person close.♥️

♦️Ace of Diamonds♦️
Grandpa Rome
♦️Why: When he was alive, he had most of the money and power in Europe. To me, the Kingdom of Diamonds represents money and power, so who else would be better to represent that than Grandpa Rome?♦️

♠️Ace of Spades♠️
♠️Why: I can't think of anyone... Can you guys help me? To me, the Spades represent time, so the nation needs to be related to time somehow and cannot have been used already(duh). Please list the reason why you chose the nation!

♣️Ace of Clubs♣️
♣️Why: I honestly have no idea why I chose Finland. I was just thinking about what the Kingdom of Clubs represented to me, which is luck. And then Finland came to mind when I thought of luck. I guess he is kind of lucky, I guess? Btw, if you have a better one for this one, feel free to tell me! But, please list the reason!

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