Chapter 8

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I didn't want to believe I was the reason Nate's disappointment. I decided to pretend I didn't care and act clueless.

"Nate, this is Alice. Alice, this is Nate." Clyde introduced us and Nate hid his face.

After eyeing him suspiciously, I coughed awkwardly and said, "We already met, twice. First at the coffee shop and then he was at the veteran's ceremony." You would have thought I told Clyde some big amazing secret because his face lit up instantly.

"So you're her? He wasn't just pulling on my leg when he said he met someone amaz-"

"Dad, cut it out a little." Nate turned red and shrugged at me. "My father is a little insane."

I looked at him and felt instant relief. So he was interested after all. I decided to play around a little.

"Amazing huh? Well usually when you meet someone amazing, you call her." Nate let out a breath and smiled.

"You're not mad? I was wanted at the medical center every day this week and didn't want to call until I was free."

"No, I'm not mad. Sorry your week was so hectic. I am a little hungry though." I sent him a sweet smile. He turned around and grabbed his jacket.

"Can I take you out for some dinner then?"

"I would love that."

Clyde just stared at us with a big goofy grin. "Well, you two should be going then. Alice, your piano will be done in a bout a week, and I'll have Nate and a few other guys bring it to you." He gestured toward the door.

"Thanks Mr. Richards."

Nate and I walked into the frosty air. I could see his breath until he brought his hands up to warm them.  "I can drive you there and then we can come back for your car." He suggested.

"I rode my motorcycle but yeah that sounds good. Finally, transportation with heat!"

"A motorcycle? Nice. I bet that gets you around New York a lot faster." He chuckled and gestured towards the pick-up truck. Nate opened my door and offered me a hand inside.

When we were all buckled up, I decided to call Tyler and check in on him.

"I'm going to call my brother to makes sure everything's okay. "

"No problem. I will drive towards the city, and you can pick out a place." He messed with the heating for a while before driving.

"Hey buddy. Are you okay? I'm going to dinner with a friend. No, his name is Nate. Stop. No, I'm not. None of your business. Anyways, is Cassie okay with staying a little longer? Well, go ask her! Okay, I will be home about 9:00. Be in bed before then. I know your twelve. Okay, Bye. Love you too."  I blushed a little and hoped Nate didn't pay attention to the conversation.

His face was smug and I shoved his shoulder a little. "What?" I asked him. He just shrugged and turned up the music.

We decided to go to this café a little bit downtown. I used to come here with my parents every Tuesday before little Tyler came along. I don't know why we stopped, but I'm kind of glad I had my own place with my parents. I didn't have to share it. Until now, I guess

I ordered some tea, and Nate ordered a coke.

"So, Nate. You said you were busy at the medical center all week. What do they make you do there?"

"I mainly do office work. They send files of all the soldiers over seas that were injured and I sort through them. This is my least favorite part of the job because you have to notify the family of the soldier who was injured." Nate's face pained a little but he continued. "I also see patients for common stuff too. Military families are allowed to come to the medical center to get check-ups and stuff. I pretty much play the part of a nurse for now."

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