Chapter 1

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She could hear their steps through the forest. They were looking for her. Their voices,loud and drunken, echoed through the forest. They were celebrating the death of her father. He was never a good man but he was still her father. She never received kisses or hugs as a little girl. Not even one 'I love you',but she knew that most purebloods don't. It was always all about royalty. They had their good moments though. He had taught her to ride and after that bought her a beautiful black stallion. Demon. How she missed the animal now... Then when she was sorted into Slytherin. He had been so happy that their family is still fully consistent only of Slytherins.
Aphrodite never understood why he didn't go when the Dark Lord called him. Her father always told her that the world would be so much better if the Dark Lord actually had won the war. When her father understood that Harry Potter was in her year,he was furious. He told her to stay away from that "stupid boy". And she did just that. Quite famous,not only amongst the Slytherins but in the whole school, she never lacked attention. Even from the boy who lived. She would catch him staring at her quite often,but everytime their eyes met,he would blush and avert his gaze. He had even asked her to the ball in their fourth year but she had refused. She went with Draco. Oh Draco.... They had been on and off with each other since second year. They were,as other referred to them, the perfect couple. But they were nowhere near perfect. Draco wanted to be the dominant figure in the relationship,but Aphrodite wasn't going to just give the title to him. And that led to constant arguments and lots of heavy words.
Now as she sat on the wet soil of the forest she wondered what was he doing. He was probably in his enormous mansion,surrounded by his family. And she... Well she was in the middle of nowhere trying to hide from the death eaters. And she wasn't successful. They were getting closer and closer their voices now so loud that her head was pounding. When something moved behind her she let out a growl and turned around. Two men, Rodolphus Lestrange and Antonin Dolohov, were watching her with their wands in their hands.
"Look what we have here..." Dolohov shot her a sinister grin.
"A little wolf." Rodolphus added.
She growled again this time showing dangerous,sharp teeth. Her green eyes glowed in the dark.
"Beauty,isn't she?" Rodolphus got a few steps closer. "A very talented animagus indeed..."
He flicked his wand and the big white wolf slowly transformed into an young woman. She had long,silver-blond hair that went all the way down her waist. Her skin was so light that it seemed like she glowed in the darkness. She had small nose and full red lips behind which she had perfect white teeth. Her green eyes glowed like two gemstones in the dark.
Rodolphus pulled his coat off and dropped it lightly on her naked form while Dolohov was wolf whistling in the back.
"Are you hurt?" Rodolphus lifted her easily from the ground.
"Don't worry,sweetie. I won't do anything to my brother's future wife. If you don't want me to of course."
"What???" Aphrodite tensed in his arms.
"Dolohov, help me over here."
The man threw some dust in her face and after a moment she was unconscious in his arms.

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