Part 5: "Zuppa di foresta italiana"

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Sly's (POV)

We were full of the food we had eaten. The pizzas were eaten up and it was nothing left. I was satisfied. The clock was 02:10.

- Let's get ready for bed, I said.
- Does it exist any toothbrush that I can borrow? Vivienne said.
- Yes, it does. And it's not used.
- Ok, thanks.

We all head over to the bathroom, at the same time. So we bruised our teeth....

Now when it was time to head to bed, we thought about where Vivienne would sleep.

- Do you mind if you sleep on the couch? Bentley said.
- No, not at all.
- Ok, good night.
- Good night.

I was in bed, and I was thinking about Carmelita. I haven't thought about her all day, it was pretty strange. Normally I do so but I don't know why I didn't do it today. I think I have been busy after all.

I looked up on the roof and smiled, because it has been an exiting day. I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep already.

(Next morning)

I woke up in my bed again and Bentley sat there in his wheelchair, he destroyed my sleeping time. But I didn't know what the clock was, so yeah, I guessed it was late.

- Sly! The clock is 13:30! Why sleeping so long?
- Come on pal, I want to sleeeep.....
- No sly, get up! Everyone is awake.
- Why are you always destroying my sleeping time?
- Come on, you have been sleeping in almost 12 hours, get up!!!

I sighed with a little smile on my face.

(Oh Bentley, sometimes I think you are my mom.), I thought.

But I like Bentley, he cares about one. That's why he's one of my best friends and a part of my family. Since we met each other at the orphanage for the first time, we were always together. I met Murray then too. He was so funny, he could eat anything, like crayons when we prepared our very first heist. We were kids, and I didn't have anyone.....except them of course. They are like a family to me, I love them so much.

I walked up from the bed and raised myself, I know, I have been sleeping in a loooong time.

- Finally, you are up. Now get some clothes on you. We are waiting in the kitchen.

I noticed that I only had underpants on.

(What if I walked out there in this?!), I thought in embarrassment.

I quickly put some clothes on, I didn't want Vivienne to see me in that.

I breath out, now I could be calm. I walked to the kitchen.

- Good morning Sly! Vivienne said.
- Hi, I said with flirt.
- Sly! Come here! Vivienne had making something good! Murray said with excitement.
- What is it?

I looked in a saucepan that stood on the bench beside Vivienne.

- What is that? I said with curiosity.
- It's my special delicacy. It's Italian food.
- So you have done this recipe?
- Yes, it's many ingrediens. I call it "Zuppa di foresta italiana".
- What is that in english? Murray said.
- "Italian forest soup", she answered.

I smiled.

- So you come from Italy? I said.
- Yes, I came here to Paris because it's so beautiful here.
- Indeed.

Bentley came to the kitchen after being in the bathroom.

- Good morning!
- Good morning, we said.
- Have you sleeping well? Bentley said.
- Yes, very, I answered.
- Sly, you have been sleeping in almost 12 hours!

We laughed.

- So you sleep much? Vivienne asked me.
- Yeah, almost every night.
- What is that? Bentley said and pointed at the saucepan.
- I think it's our lunch, she said.
- It looks delicious!
- Thank you Bentley, she said with a smile.

Carmelita's (POV)

I were on the way to the police station. The town was normal, no thieves discovered. I have always liked Paris, it's so beautiful. This is my home, even if Cooper is here often.

Now I was there, the police station. I walked in and then Nick walked into me and said:

- Oh sorry Inspector Fox! It was not on purpose.
- No, no. It's ok Nick, I said.
- Do you have time?
- Is it important?
- Pretty, yeah. Privacy anyway.
- Ok, make it fast then.
- Can we talk in my office?
- *sigh* Yes.

So we walked to his office.

- Yeah, about that yesterday, I wanted to talk about that.....
- Yes, and?
- Eeh, you know.....I just wonder if....

I stood there silent and waited.

- I you.....want to....
- Want to what?
- Go on a date?

My eyes was starring in confusion. I was shocked, and embarrassed.

- Yeah, I don't know Nick. I don't think I have time for that, I have my job know.
- Oh, ok. If it is so....
- I'm sorry Nick. I most go now.

I walked to my office instead. I tried to think of something else, I haved too.

When I came to my office, I started to do my job of course....

(To be continued)

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