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Angels POV

"It is so sad I have to hurt you..! You know my dear... You are such a beautiful girl!" he said and reached down and kissed my cheek. I felt sick when his lips touched my cheek. Then he turned around and headed to the door. Just before he got out he turned and looked at me. He grinned and closed the door.

I started moving furiously in order to loose the tight ties in my hands and legs. 'I must escape!!!' I thought. I looked around again for a millionth time. There were no windows or other doors except that wooden one. That room was so similar to the other one. After an hour of struggling I gave up. My wrists were in fire and I was exhausted. I tried to stay awake in case he was coming again but after a minute I drifted to sleep.

'I was with Emily one of my friends and we were going to the cinema.

"What about Harry Potter?" she asked and I nodded excitedly. We were searching for a good movie to watch but we couldn't find a one.

"Yeah absolutely! Finally we found one!" I said and winked. She giggled.

When the movie ended we left the cinema and went to grab an ice-cream.

"So I heard Collin and Rachel started dating! Is it true...?" I said and she nodded.

"Yeah I heard it too! Rachel is such a bitch. Poor Collin! She'll broke his heart. He is such a sweet guy... He told me once that he had a crush for Rachel since the first grade!"

"Wow... I didn't know it! He-" Suddenly something hit me at my head and I fell unconsious.

I woke up at a grey big room with no windows or doors except one. I looked around to understand where the hell was I until... I saw someone... It was a girl. She was laying at the floor. But I recognised her. Emily? I rushed to go next to her but something was holding me back. I was tied up at a chair. Before I could start panicking I heard the only door in the room open and I saw the devil with my own eyes!'

"Emily!!!!!" I woke up from my own screams. I was panting. Suddenly I heard someone laughing and I turned my head sharply to this direction.

He was sitting at the same chair as earlier and was looking at me amused.

"You were dreaming about Emily? You know... She was a beautiful girl!" He paused and looked away. But then he gazed back at me. Something was sparkling at his eyes and frightened the hell out of me.

"But you are more!"

Jaces POV

After leaving from the police station we all headed to my house. I called my parents and it seemed that mum knew something about that sick man.

It was already 11:30 pm when I heard the door open and then mum and dad burst into the living room. We all stood up and mum came and hugged me. She was crying hard and I tried to relax her.

"Jace tell us what happened son!" I heard dad calling from beside mum and I nodded. We all sat down and I explained mum and dad what exactly happened.

"My poor Angel! That sick bastard! He is gonna kill her this time! We should do something! Edward please?" mum said and turned to my father. Dad hugged her and said "Shhh Cora..! We'll find her ok?"

"Mum?" I said and she turned to look at me.

"Yeah baby!" she said through the tears.

"What did you mean earlier when you said that he is gonna kill her this time?" I asked suddenly angry. Mum looked at dad and he nodded. Then she turned back to us and took a deep breath. She looked at every single one of us and then looked down.

"It all started when we were back at Texas! Angel was 14! She had gone to the cinema with her friend Emily. When the movie finished they were coming back home when that man" she said disgustingly "followed them and kidnapped them. He took them to an isolated building and tortured them. He started with Emily! The poor girl! We couldn't find them for two days. Then the police tracked Angels phone and we arrived at the place he was holding them just in time. When the police officers burst into the building he was holding a knife. They shot him and took him in prison. The girls were bitten and they were bleeding. We took them at the hospital and the doctors said that they would be fine in a couple of weeks. Emily was too shocked though and her parents decided to move to Europe. Angel was in a better condition. She decided to leave it back and continue her life normally. But one day we heard that the man who had took them escaped prison. So I decided that it would be better for her to move and stay here with you Jace! I never told her that he escaped cause I knew she would freak out!"

I was shocked. How could she not tell me? As if she had read my mind she said "She begged me not to tell you anything." I stood up and hugged my mum.

"We must find her!"

Coras POV (Angels mum)

When I told them what happened I was in the verge of crying. It was hard remembering that stuff. And I felt kind of responsible of what happened to my little baby. If only I had told them earlier...

'I won't forgive myself if something happens to her!' I thought.

Chaces POV

When Jaces mum finished the story I was so angry. But felt so sad! My Angel had gone through so much bad stuff and I didn't have a clue. I felt stupid for being such an asshole to her. I won't forgive myself if she gets hurt!

I was fisting my hands so hard and Jace must noticed cause he gave me a confusing look. I ignored it but then he came next to me and asked "Bro what's wrong?"

"That bastard!!" I answered and I was boiling inside.

Angels POV

When he said that I started panicking. I was shaking so hard from the fear and he laughed. Laughed hard. I was looking at him dreading of the idea to die. When he stopped he looked at me. I closed my eyes and bit my lip so hard I could taste blood. I couldn't face him anymore. I heard him standing up and I opened my eyes immediately. He was coming closer and I took a sharp breath when I saw what he was holding. It was a knife. I tried to go back or move but it was useless.

"Please!!!" I started begging and I felt hot tears streaming down my face. He smirked.

"Please don't!! PLEASE!!" I cried harder and he took my arm. I tried to escaped fron his grip but he was far too strong.

"No no no!" I cried and he took the knife and touched the skin on my right shoulder.

"It's not gonna hurt sweetheart!" he said and dugged the knife in my flesh. I screamed and felt the hot blood pouring out of the wound.

"STOP!!! PLEASE!!" I begged and screamed but he just smirked evilly. When he finished cutting me I was at the verge to faint. The pain was too much.

He leaned in my ear and I felt his breath at my neck.

"My name is Draco!" he said and left the room. I turned to see what he had done to my bare shoulder and I saw a letter.

The letter D...


Hey!! :) How are you guys? Hope you are ALL perfect!! :D

I wish you all have a great August!! ;)

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Guys I've written a new story based on what happened to me when I was sitting english exams! It's called 'The examiner'. I'd be really glad if you could check it out and tell me what you think!! ;)

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Stay lovely!! :) xxx

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