Chapter 3

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Eddie's pov. ~a few moments before~

I woke up, feeling a light weight on my lap. I sleepily looked down, eyes widening slightly when I saw it was Aleks, When did he get there..? I shrugged it off and softly petted his hair, turning the TV on to a random show. PuppyChef must have gotten jealous of Aleks getting pets from me because she climbed up next to him and nudged my hand away, I just huffed in amusement and started petting her, watching the school drama show that was on since I didn't feel like changing the channel. Every so often my eyes would trail down to Aleks and Chef, they looked so cute just sleeping on my lap. I meant a friend cute about Aleks.. I think.

I smiled slightly, hearing Aleks murmur my name in his sleep, well, he murmured Kevin's too, but I rarely heard my name out of his sleep-conversations, so I decided to savor that one tiny moment. PuppyChef licked his cheek, trying to get a response out of the sleeping Russian. I just giggled. lightly pushing her off him. A few moments later, I looked up, hearing someone knock on the door. Just as I was about to stand up, I remembered Aleks was still sleeping on my lap. I huffed, "Aleks.. wake up.. I know you can hear me" I said, PuppyChef licking his face again, almost like she was trying to help. I began lightly shaking him, the person at the door knocking again. I watched Aleks's eyes open up slowly, he lifted up, pushing Chef off as he did. He looked sort of embarrassed, I wonder why...I stood up quietly, not wanting to startle him, since he sometime was edgy when he woke up, like if he had a nightmare or a strange dream. I heard him mumble something , but didn't hear him fully so I just walked to the door, answering it with a small smile to the pizza man, "Sorry sir, I got a little stuck for a second" I lightly chuckled and paid the man, along with a decent tip. He gave me the pizza box and left.

I closed the door, walking back over to the couch, placing the box on the table, I looked at Aleks, he was looking down, a small tent of red on his cheeks, or what I could see of his cheeks, he was looking down, his short bangs covering his face a little. I lightly blew air onto his face, "Coca Cola right?" I asked, just to see his reaction. He gave me a look or disgust and shook his head, "No, Pepsi, you dick" he said, obviously fighting back a smile. I giggled and stood up straight, walking to the kitchen. As I got two cans of Pepsi, I could hear Aleks moving around on the couch, "Hey! Don't you get some pizza without me, perra" I called to him, getting two plates and walking back into the living room. I smiled, looking at him, just sprawled out, acting like he couldn't reach the box, "'s too farr" he wined, looking up at me. He switches moods so quickly..I sat next to him, pulling the pizza box closer to him and myself and gave him the plate and his Pepsi. Aleks got a slices and leaned back watching the TV.

After the two finished eating

I put our plates up along with the left over pizza and walked back over to the living room, sitting next to Aleks again. He turned to me, "Hey Eddie?" I looked at him, he seemed to have a worried quizzical look on his face. "What?" I asked curiously. Aleks paused, "Do you have anything against having a homosexual friend?" he asked, sounding a little edgy. I blinked, I've cleared this question many times with him or the others, he should know by now.. "Of course not.. why would I?" I asked softly. Aleks shrugged and leaned back. I studied him for a second, knowing there was something behind him asking that question.. But what? I decided to push him about it, "Why'd you want to know again, Aleks?"  I asked, watching him. Aleks shifted, sitting up on his knees, still facing me, "I just wanted to make sure your mind was still set on that.." he murmured, scooting a little closer. I shifted slightly, looking up at him, "Aleks, you aren't acting your normal self.." I said, lifting his chin up so he was looking at me, instead of his lap. I couldn't help but smile at how red his face was, almost like a bleached strawberry, if that made sense. I leaned forward a little, just to see if his face reddened more, satisfied when it did. I kept leaning in until there wasn't much space in between us. Aleks's face was a very dark shade of red, he didn't seem to argue on how close our faces were either, Fuck he looks so cute. "Someone put to much blush on this morning" I teased. He scoffed a little, pulling back slightly, I blew air on his face, expecting him to fall back and curse at me.

But instead, he just whimpered and wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me into a unexpected kiss. I was frozen for a second, not expecting this sort of behavior from Aleks. He started pulling away, but I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him on top of me, letting my mind do what it wanted. He didn't make any efforts to pull away, just continued his kiss and I kissed back, one hand feeling up his back, the other stayed in place. I licked his bottom lip for entrance and he allowed it with no hesitation, letting my tongue explore his mouth. I smirked slightly, under the kiss, hearing him moan a little into my mouth. After a few minuets of making out, Aleks pulled away, panting slightly, "Damn Dude" he said, sitting down on my lap. I smiled, "So that's why you have been acting weird" I cooed, lightly rubbing his thigh. He nodded and lied his head on my shoulder, one arm lightly around my neck, the other on my back. I sighed in content, closing my eyes. This must be the best surprise I've had all week..

Strange way for me to end it huh?

Well, I hope you guys liked it non the less. :3

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