Los signos como fragmentos de la canción Metalingus/Edge:
Aries, Tauro, Géminis y Cáncer:
You think you know me?
On this day i see clearly everything has come to life.
A bitter place, and a broken dream. And we'll it all behind.Leo, Virgo, Libra y Escorpio:
On this day, it's so real to me, everything has come to life. Another chance to chase a dream. Another chance to feel chance to feel alive.Sagitario, Capricornio, Acuario y Picsis:
I'll never long for what might have been regret won't waste my life again
I won't look back, i'll fight to remain.
WWE; Zodiac.
Acak¿La WWE pertenece a tu zodiaco? 🎀 ★★★★★ Creación única, ninguna copia de este libro. Todos los derechos de autor. #129 en Humor. 21/08/16. #100 en Humor. 25/08/16. #414 en De Todo. 14/12/16. #480 en De Todo. 06/02/17. #19 en horóscopos. 28/08/19. #...