Chapter 1

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Hi, so this is the first chapter. I don't know what's going to happen throughout this story but I'm just going with what my mind says. It's not good but I tried :)

It wasn't a pleasant morning for Louis. He always wakes up super early because he lives way too far away from work than he should. Louis is 18 years old. He lives in a small flat with two bedrooms, a bathroom and little kitchen. He doesn't
have much but he enjoys living by himself. He doesn't enjoy working though, his manager at the café he works at just hates him and to be honest with you he hates him too. His manager is Simon , Simon Cowell. He opened the café not long ago but is doing pretty well in business.

Louis reluctantly got out of bed and headed straight to the shower. He only had to take off his boxers since he slept in the nude as he liked to say. He stepped in and shivered at the sudden cold water hit his warm skin. He couldn't afford to pay hot water but he didn't mind at all. He got some shampoo he didn't even know he had. It smelt like apples. He squirted some on his hand , not too much since he had little hair, and started to wash his hair. He always loved to take his time in the shower since it relaxes him. He gently massaged the shampoo all over his hair and stepped in the water to wash it off. He found a shower gel that smelt a bit funny but it was the only one he had so he had to wash with that. He stepped out the shower and turned the tap off. Louis wrapped the towel around his wast just below his belly button.
He realised his friend Zayn  had called. They've been friends since primary school so you could say they're like brothers. He called him and Zayn answered rather quickly.

"Hi" a soft but rich with a Bradford accent spoke through the phone.
"Hey Z" Louis answered. "Not that I don't want to talk to you but why did you call me so early?" He asked. He didn't like being rude as his mum always taught him to be polite.
"Oh yeah sorry. It's just that I wanted to ask you a question" Zayn seemed a bit off. He didn't seem sure if he should ask or not. Louis could hear it in his voice.
"Sure go ahead" Louis assured him. "I'm your best lad don't worry" he soothed.
"You see the thing is" Zayn paused unsure of what to say next. "I don't think I want to be with Perrie anymore" he sighed. His voice shook as he spoke. "But I don't know how to tell her that. I love Perrie I really do but I don't want to hurt her".
Louis was a bit astonished by this. Perrie was Zayn's fiancée and he was growing away from her. "Zayn I think you should try putting it in the nicest way possible. It won't be good news for either of you and it'll be hard for you both but you can't let her find out without you telling her first" Louis seemed thoughtful of his words. He didn't want to say the wrong thing and make it his fault by ending their relationship.

"Yeah I'll try talking to her today" he said still seeming a bit unsure.
"Do not do it over the phone Z. I'm telling you now" he ordered.
"No way bro! I love Perrie way too much to end something over the phone." Zayn made sure to assure him this multiple times.
"Just be careful how you say it Zayn please." Louis sighed out.
"I'll see you after work. Bye Z and good luck mate".
"Bye tommo" Zayn said. "And thanks by the way".
"Don't worry about it" Louis told him sweetly. He loved helping people out with their problems. See the things is Louis has problems too but he doesn't know how to deal with them. He's only good at helping others and he doesn't know why.
Louis got dressed and headed to work. He doesn't have a car or any vehicle to drive to work with. So he walks. But this morning it was cold and in Doncaster it gets cold really quickly. He only had a thin jacket on. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and started walking down the street. It was only parents and children heading to school at this time and he felt sorry for the kids. Louis hated school when he was younger he always felt different from others. Don't get him wrong he loved being the class clown and being silly but inside he was different from everyone. He hated homework and some teachers. The only thing he loved about being in school was playing footie with Stan.
Stan was Louis' best lad but they haven't seen each other in years since Louis moved away.
Louis reached the bus stop and waited for his bus. He was too cold to go on his phone so he just looked around. He didn't like work but the only thing he liked about work was that he got to sneak a bit of the biscuits or cakes they sold there if he got hungry. Zayn always told him to not eat from there since it was unsanitary but he didn't care. I mean he's Louis Tomlinson after all.

Louis' bus arrived not long after. He sat down near a window and saw a boy running to the bus. The bus was about to leave until Louis told the bus driver to wait and held the door open for the boy. "Thank you" a deep yet sweet voice spoke.
Louis looked up and their eyes met. "You're welcome" Louis breathed out. The boy smiled and walked past Louis to sit down with , what Louis thought was, his friend. A blonde lad and curly locks. He felt weird in his stomach but it was probably because he didn't have breakfast he thought.

The bus reached Louis bus stop and he got off. The boy and Louis looked at each other as the bus drove away. He started walking to the café and once he reached it Simon greeted him. "Morning Louis" he spoke firmly. "Sup Si" Louis spoke carelessly. He really hated this hairy old fur ball.
Simon scowled at him but just sighed and walked off. Louis shrugged his shoulders and headed to his locker. He was the waiter. He hated it but had to deal with it. He just wasn't ready for what the day ahead would be like.

So how was it? Did you like it? I hope you did. It's not the best but it's a start. Sorry for any spelling errors :s. I'll see you in the next chapter. Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment on what you think of it. <3 <3

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