Chapter 2

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(Harry's POV)

All day all I could think of was how pretty the boys eyes were. The boy that helped me in the bus this morning. His eyes were just warm and had this little twinkle to them. The light blue colour of them made me feel at home. It felt so nice.

"Harry?" Niall shook me out of my thoughts. Nialls my best friend we've been friends since we were little but in secondary school we got closer. He's been there for me and I don't know what I'd do without him.

"Yeah sorry Ni" I apologised. He had this look in his eyes as if he knew what I was thinking about. Sometimes Niall is really good at helping people and knowing when there's something wrong.

"What's on your mind Hazza?" He spoke so softly. Nialls a really good person to talk to. He can be silly and just Niall sometimes but when it gets to serious situations he'll always help.

"Oh um" I stuttered. "Just the test that we have today" I replied quickly. I'm not very good at lying but I try. The bus came to a stop and Niall just brushed it off which I was glad he did.

Niall and I got out the bus and started to walk to the school. I enjoyed school but only photography and music. I didn't mind the lessons but I didn't like some teachers.

"Harry?" Someone taped my shoulder. I turned and I was shocked to see him.

"Oh hi Nick" I replied. Nick was my ex boyfriend. I enjoyed being his boyfriend but he always wanted more from me and I hated that.

"Haven't see you in a while curly locks" he had this perverted smirk on his face and it scared me. He was older than me and when we were in a relationship I was so naïve.

"I'm glad we haven't" I mumbled under my breath. I hated him but I could never act rude around anyone. Unless I really have a really big hatred for them.

"Did you say something?" He spoke clear and loud. He intimidated me during our whole relationship and I couldn't stand him any longer. Nick looked at me with a look I've seen before. He started walking closer to me but luckily the bell rang and we all had to go to lessons. Nick was in a different building since he was older than me so we went our separate ways.

"What was all that about?" Niall asked while eating a sandwich. The boy always had good with him which was good because it meant if Harry got hungry he could just ask Niall for food.

"It was just my jerk ex boyfriend Nick" I replied with an eye roll. I can't even say his name without insulting him.

"Ugh! You know I really don't like talking about him. He broke your heart Harry how can you even greet him nicely without wanting to punch him in the balls?" He breathed out. He said that so quickly it took Harry a couple seconds to comprehend what Niall had just said.

"I don't know Ni but I don't have a good feeling about him being in the school now" I said quietly not wanting anyone to hear me talk about him.

"I don't have a good feeling about him talking to you again. Harry you're way too nice to say no so he could make you do things" he said. "And not good things Hazza" he sounded so worried as if he knew what Nick was gonna do to me.

"Relax Niall. I'm not letting him do anything to me this time" I reassured him. I really don't want to be the type of person that can't ever say no or deny things. I'm not that type of person that can stand up for myself because everyone insults me a lot and I'm not the type of person that cares about what people think but them insulting me hurts.

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